counter(counter-name,list-style-type)= [调用计数器名,计数器样式可选参数] 列表样式:list-style-type,如:数字(默认=decimal) disc: 点 circle: 圆圈 square: 正方形 decimal: 数字 decimal-leading-zero: 十进制数,不足两位的补齐前导0,例如:01,02,03, ...,98,99lower-roman: 小写罗马文字,例如: i...
decimal-leading-zero compared to lower-alpha HTML CSS ol { counter-reset: count; } li { counter-increment: count; } li::after { content: "[" counter(count, decimal-leading-zero) "] == [" counter(count, lower-alpha) "]"; } 结果 Specifications Specification状态注释 CSS Lists ...
1 content:counter(subtitles,decimal);content:counter(headers)"."counter(subtitles)": "; counter(name)或counter(name, style): counter 有两个参数:name,你可以提到increment或 reset;style,如果没有被声明,默认为”decimal”(十进制数字)。 尽管你可以为counter 命名除了‘none’, ‘inherit’ or ‘initial...
decimal-leading-zero lower-roman upper-roman lower-greek lower-latin upper-latin armenian georgian lower-alpha upper-alpha none inherit 同样的,可以使用多个counter(),如:content: counter(Chapter,upper-roman) "-" counter(section,upper-roman);。 创建计数器 前面内容主要介绍了CSS Counters创建计数器用到...
The decimal counter style cannot be overridden by the @counter-style at-rule, so it is always available as an ultimate fallback style. decimal-leading-zero Decimal numbers padded by initial zeros (e.g., 01, 02, 03, ...) cjk-decimal Han decimal numbers (e.g., 一, 二, 三, ...)...
@counter-style decimal { system: numeric; symbols: '0' '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9'; }@counter-style decimal-leading-zero { system: extends decimal; pad: 2 '0'; }@counter-style arabic-indic { system: numeric; ...
/*两位数字编号-01,02,03……10,11*/@counter-styledecimal-leading-zero{system:extends decimal;pad:2'0';}/*中文数字编号*/@counter-stylecjk-decimal{system:numeric;range:0 infinite;symbols:\3007 \4E00 \4E8C \4E09 \56DB \4E94 \516D \4E03 \516B \4E5D;/* 〇一二三四五六七八九 */...
Custom Numbering ol { counter-reset: my-counter; list-style-type: none; } li:before { content: counter(my-counter)"."; counter-increment: my-counter 2; } @counter-style my-counter { system: decimal-leading-zero; suffix: "."; } ...
Decimal point and unit indication: Hz. KHz, MHz, GHz, ns, µs, ms, s.EIP Microwave 545A Frequency Counter EIP Microwave 545A Frequency Counter CCN2203 with Option W-11 10Hz to 18GHz No manual or cables included but I did find the manual is available online. When this unit was ...
This principle can be confusing, but leading zeros are still not significant figures, even if they come after a decimal point. 0.01kg of grapes are not the same as 1kg of grapes, so the leading zeroes might seem to be significant. However, 0.01kg can also be expressed as 10g. It’s ...