memeon 2019-01-27 CDJ,coldrain,COUNTDOWN JAPAN 18/19,Crossfaith,HEY-SMITH 日本最大跨年音樂祭 COUNTDOWN JAPAN(簡稱CDJ),今年也在千葉幕張Messe舉行。自12月28日起一連四天,邀請179組藝人出演,四天共計18萬8千人到場參戰。 大阪出身的龐克樂團 HEY-SMITH 於CDJ第三天的EARTH STAGE登場。猪狩秀平(g,vo)...
NIGHT-TO-NIGHT YOUTUBE/GIF/MEME/VINE POTENTIAL:I would have said Curry as recently as four weeks ago, but then Westbrook got bitten by a spider and this shit started happening. [protected-iframe id=”a7546dda7884feae3806ae1b03a3b6fe-60203239-57815212″ info=”
This isn't the first time we've seen people throwing themselves into a meme translate to ticket sales. Last summer Gen Z donned suits to see Minions: The Rise of Gru as part of the ironic "Gentleminions" trend. With just over a week until blastoff, it's safe to say this Barbie is...
not creating my own personal space. Jess is too. Adaptation is key, as is a yearning for a new backdrop. If we can adapt to NYC, we can surely adapt to Nairobi. But adapting to the New York way is not healthy. When you start to seek refuge in your small apartment, ...