Free Countdown Timer is distributed in a form of an automated installer that can be easily deployed on any modern and legacy desktop and laptop PC machine, featuring even support for legacy versions of Windows OS such as Windows XP.The app is lightweight and fast, and therefore can easily ...
Desktop Countdown Timer is a completely free countdown timer for Windows desktop, and has some very useful features. You only need to set a time, then press button "Start", a countdown timer will start immediately, very simple and easy to use. You can use this software as an alarm cloc...
here are the best timer apps & widgets available for Windows. This list of ten apps is a good snapshot of the apps available for Windows today. You can use these apps to up your productivity and get in charge of your time. Some of the apps...
You are here: Win7Gadgets Clock Gadgets CountDown Timer CountDown Timer Description: Simple timer - set date and time until which it countdown the time. It is possible to add comment to the chosen date. Unfortunately, you can't change the color of backing. Tags: countdown...
The version is 1.0,Desktop Countdown Timeris a free countdown timer for Windows desktop, and provides some very useful features, such as always on top, minimize to system tray and more. When time is up, software can show a alarm message, or play a sound file, or show a custom message...
Free Countdown Timer is an all purpose timer for Windows PC. It can be used to countdown time for any small events like cooking rice to large occasions such as wedding anniversaries. You can download Free Countdown Timer from
Free download windows mobile countdown timer Files at Software Informer. CountDown Timer is the perfect tool to use to remind you of things that...
Home Clock Gadgets CountDown Timer Free download Category:Clock GadgetsTag:countdown Description Reviews (0) Product Description Simple timer – set date and time until which it countdown the time. It is possible to add comment to the chosen date. Unfortunately, you can’t change the color of...
How do I put a countdown timer on my Mac desktop? Open the Clock app on your Mac, select Timer at the top, set the duration of time and a sound to play when the timer ends, then click Start. You can also choose Pause to stop the timer, or Done to reset it. Now you’re equi...
Hourglass is the most advanced simple countdown timer for Windows. Just enter a time in just about any format, and hit Enter. Pause and resume Start, stop, pause and resume your timers. Finally an app that can do everything your kitchen timer can. Smart input Type a duration like 5 min...