题目链接:Countbcd 题目让写一个四位的BCD计数器,可以等价看成0000~9999的计数器,进位规则和我们日常的十进制计数一样。 代码 解法一 通过例化或者修改一位的十进制计数器实现 有关ena信号的处理部分,其实是与clk信号无关的; 但是,也可以根据clk信号进行设计,需要注意什么时候ena有效 下述代码有关if条件语句的处理...
专栏/HDLbits练习(105):Countbcd HDLbits练习(105):Countbcd 2022-10-12 12:3015阅读· 0喜欢· 0评论 Richard-M-ylp 粉丝:2文章:35 关注Build a 4-digit BCD (binary-coded decimal) counter. Each decimal digit is encoded using 4 bits: q[3:0] is the ones digit, q[7:4] is the tens digi...
Build a 4-digit BCD (binary-coded decimal) counter. Each decimal digit is encoded using 4 bits: q[3:0] is the ones digit, q[7:4] is the tens digit, etc. For digits [3:1], also output an enable signal indicating when each of the upper three digits should be incremented. You ma...