INFINITY (Mathematics)BANACH spacesMETRIC spacesThe aim of the paper is to introduce the Banach space consisting of real functions defined on a locally compact and countable at infinity metric space and having increments tempered by a modulus of continuity. We are going to prov...
Define Countable set. Countable set synonyms, Countable set pronunciation, Countable set translation, English dictionary definition of Countable set. adj. 1. Capable of being counted: countable items; countable sins. 2. Mathematics Capable of being put i
Proof: It was proven in [2] that for a topological space on X , any subset E of X is such that X is partitioned by E^{\circ}, \partial E=\overline{E}\setminus E^{\circ}, X \setminus \overline{E} . Thus, the hypothesis that \overline{E} does not contain any open intervals...
space of functions with tempered incrementslocally compact metric spacemetric space countable at infinityrelative compactnessNONCOMPACTNESSThe aim of the paper is to introduce the Banach space consisting of real functions defined on a locally compact and countable at infinity metric space and having ...