Worksheets that save paper, ink and time. Advertise hereHome > food worksheets > Countable Uncountable FoodCountable Uncountable Food You can modify this worksheet according to your purpose. You can add containers or more vocabulary.Level:elementary Age: 5-17 Downloads:4 ...
Countable and Uncountable Nouns the, a, an Plurals Types of Uncountable Nouns Noun Practice Back to Nouns Back to Exercises Countable nouns refer to things that that can be counted. They are usually tangible things, things that can be perceived by one of our senses (taste, touch, sight, ...
CountableandUncountableNouns InEnglish,unlikemanyAsianlanguages,nouns,whicharethenamesgiventopeople,places,activitiesorthings,canbecountableoruncountable,whichmakesitpossibletotellthedifferencebetweenthingsintermsofquantityornumber. Nounsarefoundinthesubjectpositionofasentence,theobjectposition,orastheobjectofaprepositio...
We've run out ofchocolate. 2)UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS: WHAT ARE THEY? a) CONCRETE nouns expressing MATERIALS and FOOD: -HUMAN ACTIVITIES: - GROUPS of ELEMENTS: when wanting to speak about one item only, use "a piece of..." Here is what you need to know about COUNTABLES and UNCOUNTABLES. Th...
Anuncountablenounreferstosomethingthatcan'tbecounted,becauseit's thoughtofasawholethatcan’tbecutintoparts.Theyareoftenabstract, andoccasionallyhaveacollectivemeaning.(forexample,food;Isthefood readynow?)Thesenounstakeonlythesingularform. Correct:1)Iwanttoeatthefoodyoumadeyesterday.Isitstillgood?2)Yes, ...
English Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation Exercisesl, esl worksheets, esl lesson plans, esl online, activities, TEFL,materials, grammar, resources, exercises, free, students, teachers, english grammar exercises, teach esl, teaching materials, games, efl,english grammar exercises, grammar, pronunciati...
在这个可数和不可数名词口语活动中,学生用可数和不可数名词短语完成填字游戏。学生A首先通过查看填字游戏线索中的名字来询问他们的搭档不同的人有什么,例如“安有什么?”学生 B 通过查看图表中相应的姓名和图片来回答,密切注意可数性和数字。如果图中的名词不可数,学生说一些后面跟着名词。如果名词是可数的并且只有一...