+6 分享131 excel吧 xi幸运ah 关于公式复制,比如counta,能否按某个快捷键之后直接开始选范围我在这三个红框的地方都需要counta,现在的方法是:1.点红框2.点fx3.选counta4.点确定5.选范围能否实现:1.点红框2.某快捷键3.选范围酱excel 分享7赞 街头篮球吧 亲爱的偏执 PG怎么让三更准。四区COUNTAIN为你解答...
does not propagate errors, meaning that if the input contains an error (e.g., #VALUE!, #REF!), the function will return the same error. 13.1 Troubleshooting the error value When you encounter an error value in a cell a warning symbol appears, displayed in the image above. Press with ...