如果目标是 * 估计 * 行数,则SHOW TABLE STATUS或SELECTRowsFROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE ......
3、APPPATH(应用路径)指向application目录,然而你也可以修改该目录名 最后一行 require_once BASEPATH.'core/CodeIgniter.php'; 引入框架的核心库。 CodeIgniter.php 主要做了以下操作: 1、加载框架中的常量,即 application/config/constants.php 2、加载全局方法 system/core/common.php 3、全局变量安全筛选处理 4、...
//get number of results to return $allResults=$this->db->count_all_results('tblProgram', false); //chunk data and write to CSV to avoid reaching memory limit $offset=0; $chunk=2000; $treePath=$this->config->item('temp_path')."$rand/trees.csv"; $tree_handle=fopen($treePath,'a...
What version of CI are you using (3.x or 4.x)? I'm using CI_VERSION = '3.1.6' Reply includebeerCodeIgniter Team Posts: 1,018 Threads: 18 Joined: Oct 2014 Reputation: 40 #4 12-15-2020, 05:09 PM I'm sorry but your code doesn't make a lot of sense. The model return c...