When you count your blessings this Thanksgiving, thank God for satisfying! Strengthening (103:5b) David meant God gave him “buoyant, tireless strength” (Kidner, 365). When his vigor faded and his strength had almost gone, God gave David new vitality to go on going on. There may have b...
2, reverses the terms of the comparison; the legal privileges of the Jew nee but as crumbs thrown to dogs in comparison with the rich blessings of the gospel. Comp. also Matthew 16:26, where our Lord uses the same verbs, to lose and to gain; the whole world is but loss, the ...
Finally, there is a greatspiritual significancein the counting of the Omer for believers in Jesus. As David Baron writes: “here, as is so often the case in Scripture, the earthly and visible is the symbol of greater and deeper spiritual realities”. The Omer presented at the beginning of...
worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.”)offended me. I could not relate to the things I had endured as light. Another version of that scripture reads,“For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a ...
- Many Shia Muslims are waiting for a European to emerge as anti-Christ, who starts out peacefully, and then wages war.There is already a plan in place, which Islam admits to, where a world war will take place to convert the world to Islam. When is the 1