How to Count Unique Values in Excel with Multiple Criteria: 3 Ways We have taken this dataset consisting of some great Movies, their Actors, and the Release Years. Let’s see how we can count the unique values based on multiple criteria using this dataset. Method 1 – Using the COUNTIFS ...
The tutorial looks at how to leverage the new dynamic array functions to count unique values in Excel: formula to count unique entries in a column, with multiple criteria, ignoring blanks, and more. A couple of years ago, we discussed various ways tocount unique and distinct values in Excel...
Count unique values with multiple criteria with Kutools for Excel If you are confused with above formulas, you can apply Kutools for Excel’s Select Specific Cells and Select Duplicate & Unique Cells utilities to quickly handle it without any formulas....
Count Unique Value With Multiple Criterias With Or Logic {=SUM(--(FREQUENCY(IF(condition1 + Condition2,MATCH(range,range,0)),ROW(range)-ROW(firstCell in range)+1)>0))} This generic formula can be used to count unique values with Or logic. It means, it will count if any of the ...
How to Count Unique Values with Multiple Criteria in Excel - With the help of the robust spreadsheet programme Excel, you can carry out a variety of computations and data analysis activities. It is frequently necessary to count the number of distinct val
The SUM function counts the rows with values. Method 6 – Counting Rows with Multiple OR Criteria in Excel We have to count the rows where Product1 is Word or Product2 is Excel. STEPS: Select cell C10. Insert the formula: =SUMPRODUCT(--((C5:C8="Word")+(D5:D8="Excel")>0)) ➤...
Countif a specific value across multiple worksheets with formulas In Excel, there is a formula for you to count a certain values from multiple worksheets. Please do as follows: 1. List all the sheet names which contain the data you want to count in a single column like the following screen...
1 Count If with multiple criteria and unique values 0 Count IF one of two criteria are met 1 EXCEL: COUNTIFS with multiple criteria and or logic 1 Count multiple cell with multiple criteria 3 How to count rows that match multiple criteria 1 COUNTIFS with multiple criteria and...
The tutorial explains how to use COUNTIFS and COUNTIF formulas with multiple criteria in Excel based on AND as well as OR logic. You will find a number of examples for different data types – numbers, dates, text, wildcard characters, non-blank cells and
Hello, I have racked my brain trying to find the solution to this but no dice so I'm coming to you! Here are the details: * Count how many WIDGETS (simple enough) * Two potential names tha... RLCornish00 Here we need to implement OR condition to calculate both options. For such...