Here,dfis the dataframe for which you want to know the unique counts. It returns a pandas Series of counts. By default, the pandas dataframenunique()function counts the distinct values alongaxis=0, that is, row-wise which gives you the count of distinct values in each column. Examples Le...
for column in df.columns: unique_values = df[column].nunique() print(f"列名: {column}") print(f"唯一值数量: {unique_values}") 这段代码将遍历dataframe的每一列,使用nunique()函数计算每列的唯一值数量,并打印出结果。 以上是一个简单的示例,你可以根据实际情况进行修改和扩展。关于Panda ...
Pandas Count Unique Values in Column Pandas Count Distinct Values DataFrame Pandas DataFrame isna() function Pandas Get First Row Value of a Given Column Pandas Count The Frequency of a Value in Column References
In pandas, for a column in a DataFrame, we can use thevalue_counts() methodto easily count the unique occurences of values. There's additional interesting analyis we can do withvalue_counts()too. We'll try them out using the titanic dataset. ...
Counting by unique pair of columns For this purpose, we will use groupby and apply thesize()method on the group by an object. Thegroupby()is a simple but very useful concept in pandas. By using groupby, we can create grouping of certain values and perform some operations on those values...
Count Unique操作经常与GroupBy一起使用,以计算每个组中唯一值的数量: importpandasaspd# 创建示例数据框df=pd.DataFrame({'Category':['A','B','A','B','A','C','B','C'],'SubCategory':['X','Y','X','Z','Y','Z','Y','X'],'Value':[1,2,1,3,2,3,2,4]})# 按Category分组...','',''],'visitor':['Alice','Bob','Alice','Bob']})# 对category列进行分组,并计算每个组的website和visitor列中唯一值的数量grouped_unique_values=df.groupby('category').agg({'website':'nunique','visitor':'nunique'})print(grouped_unique_values)...
importseabornassnssns.barplot(y=df['折扣'].value_counts().values,x=df['折扣'].value_counts().index)<AxesSubplot:> 这是因为 value_counts 函数返回的是一个 Series 结果,而 pandas 直接画图之前,无法自动地对索引先进行排序,而 seaborn 则可以。 如果想坚持使用pandas(背后是matplotlib)画图,那么可以先...
count values by grouping column in DataFrame using df.groupby().nunique(), df.groupby().agg(), and df.groupby().unique() methods in pandas library
4. 高级GroupBy和Unique Count操作 现在让我们探讨一些更高级的GroupBy和Unique Count操作。 4.1 GroupBy后的过滤 我们可以在GroupBy后应用过滤条件: importpandasaspd# 创建示例数据data={'name':['Alice','Bob','Charlie','David','Eve'],'department':['Sales','IT','Sales','Marketing','IT'],'salary'...