Jack Hartmann - Count to 100 By 1's (Let's Get Fit)
歌手:Jack Hartmann Count to 100 By 1's(Let's Get Fit) - Jack Hartmann Composed by:Jack Hartmann Count to 100 every day Keep your mind and body in shape Let's get fit Have some fun Count to 100 by ones Get ready to exercise and count ...
Jack Hartmann Let's Get Fit(Count to 100 By 1's) - Jack Hartmann Composed by:Jack Hartmann Count to 100 every day Keep your mind and body in shape Let's get fit Have some fun Count to 100 by ones Get ready to exercise and count Stretch your arms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Str...
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视频类型: 动漫杂谈相关题材: Jack Hartmann 简介: 美国小孩最喜欢的英文儿歌-Let's Get Fit, Count to 100 自己制作的英语字幕,希望大家能英语的环境中欣赏一下原汁原味的英语儿歌,同时还能学习英语。 展开更多动画 综合 英语 少儿 少儿英语 英语字幕 英语动画 英语儿歌 Pat字幕组 英语数数歌 热身歌...
小怪兽英语儿歌 Count to 100 Chant Learn Numbers 10 to 100 Pat字幕组 7152 0 02:46 少儿英语 舞蹈热身 Tooty Ta Fun Dance Song for Kids Brain Breaks Tooty Ta Jack Har jasminexie21 4.3万 3 03:49 ◤英文教育歌谣◥宝贝做巴士Wheels on the Bus Baby_World 152.6万 236 ...
Jack Hartmann - Count from 1 to 100
年份:2020 首播时间:20201124 语言/字幕:汉语 更新时间:20201124 简介:1 to 30 and 30 to 1 Jack Hartmann Count to 30 Counting Song儿童动画片完整版免费在线观看,剧情简介:1到30数字学习,英语学数数 UP主简介 优能早教 粉丝数:40 作品数:11 1 to 30 and 30 to 1 Jack Hartmann Count to 30 Counting ...
If you’re looking for something a little more complex, Bansho & Friends’Canción de los Númeroswill have you counting up to 20. It also includes some other verses in addition to the numbers, so try to sing along to the entire song. ...