1For more awesome material in the area of counting the cost of Christianity, please see “Where Do We Go From Here?” inThe Reason for Godby Timothy Keller (Dutton 2008), p. 228-231. Count the Cost and Become a Christian WHAT DO YOU THINK?- We have allsinnedand deserve God's judgme...
权衡- English translation - bab.la... ... 权衡一下,... On balance…权衡得失to count the cost权衡 weigh ... en.bab.la|基于 1 个网页 3. 要计算代价 ... and do what is right) ?要计算代价(to count the cost) 考虑物件之三件重要前提: 对方 ?是个真基 督徒吗?
This technique cannot cope with circular data structures. Cells in such structures refer (indirectly) to themselves and so will never have a zero reference count. This means they would never be reclaimed, even when there are no references from outside the structure. ...
Which of you, wishing to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost to see if he has the resources to complete it?Berean Literal BibleFor which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first, having sat down, count the cost, whether he has enough for its ...
To reflect on the good things in one's life and be grateful for them.I know you're disappointed that you didn't come in first, but so many other incredible things have happened to you this year. Count your blessings, my darling.I try to count my blessings every day—it's a great ...
With the many Bible references to the RAPTURE, one of the most OVERLOOKED, yet commonly read verses, is where Jesus said that his coming would be just "AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH AND LOT"! So let's take a look at these verses!
Even after the student don baptize, you fit still count the time, the return visit, and the Bible study until una finish the book. jw2019 No one has been able to count all the stars in the universe. Nobody don fit count all the stars wey God make. jw2019 “Count me out!
(66)Anumber of studies warn that not sleeping enough can affect our ability to do our job.The American Academy of Sleep Medicine said that the average worker in the USA loses 11.3working days of productivity a year from a lack (67)ofsleep.This (68)costs(cost) companies about 2,280for...
striving against sin.”Considering that Jesus gave up His life so that we could have life; and considering that nothing we have gone through has cost us our physical lives; yes, they are light afflictions (troubles). Also, Hebrews 12:2 gives us the perspective we must have when we are ...
More than that, I also consider everything to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Because of him I have suffered the loss of all things and consider them as dung, so that I may gain ChristHolman Christian Standard BibleMore than that, I also ...