1 #pragma once 2 #include<vector> 3 //当k = O(n)时,采用计数排序,运行时间theta(n) 4 //theta(k)+theta(n)+theta(k)+theta(n)=theta(n) 5 std::vector<int> 6 Count_sort(const std::vector<int>& A, const int& k) 7 { 8 std::vector<int> c(k + 1); 9 //计数:theta(k)...
insert Sort:将原有的数组分为两部分,一部分是无序的一部分是有序的,将无序数组第一个不断插入有序的。 插入排序适合的两种情况: 1.每一个元素距离其最终位置不远的时候选择 2.对于元素较少的数组我们插入排序最快(如果N过于小受系数影响) voidselect(intarr[],intn) {inti=1,j=0,temp;//定义变量for(...
CountSort(计数排序) #include<iostream>usingnamespacestd;voidSetArray_C(int*a,int*c,intn,intk){for(inti=0;i<n;i++){c[a[i]]++;}for(intj=1;j<=k;j++){c[j+1]=c[j]+c[j+1];}}voidSetArray_B(int*a,int*b,int*c,intn){for(inti=n-1;i>=0;i--){b[c[a[i]]-1]=a[...
Cloud Studio代码运行 publicinterfaceJpaSpecificationExecutor<T>{Optional<T>findOne(@Nullable Specification<T>var1);List<T>findAll(@Nullable Specification<T>var1);Page<T>findAll(@Nullable Specification<T>var1,Pageable var2);List<T>findAll(@Nullable Specification<T>var1,Sort var2);longcount(@Null...
publicinterfaceJpaSpecificationExecutor<T>{Optional<T>findOne(@Nullable Specification<T>var1);List<T>findAll(@Nullable Specification<T>var1);Page<T>findAll(@Nullable Specification<T>var1,Pageable var2);List<T>findAll(@Nullable Specification<T>var1,Sort var2);longcount(@Nullable Specification<T>...
List<T> findAll(@Nullable Specification<T> var1, Sort var2); long count(@Nullable Specification<T> var1);} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. public interface Specification<T> extends Serializable { long serialVersionUID = 1L; static <T> Specification<T> not(Specification<T...
To use Advanced Filter, select theDatatab, and in theSort & Filtergroup, selectAdvanced. The following figure shows how you use the Advanced Filter to copy only the unique records to a new location on the worksheet. In the following figure, column E contains the values that were copie...
To use Advanced Filter, select theDatatab, and in theSort & Filtergroup, selectAdvanced. The following figure shows how you use the Advanced Filter to copy only the unique records to a new location on the worksheet. In the following figure, column E contains the values that were copied fro...
## rbind, Reduce, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply, ## union, unique, unsplit, which.max, which.min ## Loading required package: S4Vectors ## ## Attaching package: 'S4Vectors' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ...
C2:C$10<C$3:This compares the values in column C with the value in cell C3 (assuming this is the upper bound of the first aging bucket). It returns an array of TRUE and FALSE values. *:The multiplication operator applies element-wise multiplication between the arrays. ...