In communication, numbers usually don’t appear in a sequence. You’ll often need to answer questions or understand the answer to questions like: “What date is it?”“What time does the lesson end?”“Which page should you turn to?” or “How old are you?” Reciting a memorised sequen...
When Google analyzes the content of a web page, one of its objectives is "to" understand "" the meaning of a page. For this, one of the techniques used by its robots is to analyze the words or phrases that come up most often in the text of the page and therefore to know the gros...
Enlish to hindi Translate with enum problems - The expression being assigned to ... must be constant" enums when we need more than 64 flags equivalent of "nothing" in C# error --_Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to details.class' Error Converting Regex to C# - Unrecognized...
The warp and the weft yarns or threads are termed by different names as well. In the trade and academic books, warp yarns are called ends and it is called tana (in Hindi). Weft yarns are also known as filling yarns, Picks, and Bana (in Hindi). 5. Identification of warp and weft y...
The meaning of BIBI is a lady usually of a European country; sometimes : the Hindu mistress of a house : wife—used as a term of respect.
But the meaning of education will not end here where that enhances the thinking and understanding ability of the people. These skills will help them to behave and speak gently and politely. Education will drive people to learn the in-depth knowledge on a specific subject and that leads them ...
This app will not only guide you how to pronounce Hanuman Chalisa properly while chanting but also it's deep meaning in simple English language. more What’s New 10 Jul 2024 Version 3.2 बजरंग बान,हनुमान चालीसा, १०८ ना...
The translation required is of advanced level, it involves technical or academic Hindi. Hence, aptitude in this field is a must-have. An ideal candidate would possess the following skills: - Proficiency in English and Advanced level knowledge of Hindi. - Experience in translating technical or ...
"count in" 中文翻譯: 把…考慮在內; 包括在內,算...一個; 算上 "count on" 中文翻譯: 數下去;指望;依靠; 依靠, 指望; 依靠,期待,指望; 依靠,期望,指望; 依靠,指望; 依靠,依賴; 依靠,指望,期望; 依賴,指望; 倚靠,指望; 指望,依靠,期待; 指望;期待(某人)相助; 指望;依賴 ...
But the meaning of education will not end here where that enhances the thinking and understanding ability of the people. These skills will help them to behave and speak gently and politely. Education will drive people to learn the in-depth knowledge on a specific subject and that leads them ...