**/intLeetCode::countRangeSum(vector<int>& nums,intlower,intupper){ multiset<longlong>sums;//注意使用long long防止溢出longlongsum =0L;intresult =0; sums.insert(0);//插入第0个和for(size_t i =0; i < nums.size(); i++){ sum+=nums[i]; result+= distance(sums.lower_bound(sum -...
首先用 sum(i) 表示 nums[0]~nums[i] 的和,然后分别对于每个数 i ( 0 <= i < n ) 求出以 i 为起始位置的符合条件的区间个数。 当sum[j] - sum[i-1] 在 [lower, upper] 之间时,证明 [i, j] 是一个合法区间。 开始以为使用二分求出sum中符合lower和upper条件的位置即可。 不过发现没有数...
Given an integer array nums, return the number of range sums that lie in [lower, upper] inclusive. Range sum S(i, j) is defined as the sum of the elements in nums between indices i and j (i ≤ j), inclusive. Note: A naive algorithm of O(n2) is trivial. You MUST do better t...
LeetCode---327. Count of Range Sum Given an integer array nums, return the number of range sums that lie in [lower, upper] inclusive. Range sum S(i, j) is defined as the sum of the elements in nums between indices i and j (i ≤ j), inclusive. Note: A naive algorithm of O(n...
typedef long long int _int; class Solution { public: _int* l[10005*17]; _int* r[10005*17]; int sizel[10005*17]; int sizer[10005*17]; _int range[10005*17]; vector<int> num; _int low; _int upp; _int ans; int countRangeSum(vector<int>& nums, int lower, int upper) { if...
给定一个整数数组,返回range sum 落在给定区间[lower, upper] (包含lower和upper)的个数。range sum S(i, j) 表示数组中第i 个元素到j 个元素之和。 Note: A naive algorithm of O(n2) is trivial. You MUST do better than that. Example: ...
LeetCode: 327. Count of Range Sum Given an integer array nums, return the number of range sums that lie in [lower, upper] inclusive. Range sum S(i, j) is defined as the sum of the elements in nums between indices i and j (i ≤ j), inclusive. ...
Can you solve this real interview question? Count of Range Sum - Given an integer array nums and two integers lower and upper, return the number of range sums that lie in [lower, upper] inclusive. Range sum S(i, j) is defined as the sum of the elements
cache[r]=sums[i]; cnt+= j -k; } copy(cache.begin(), cache.begin()+ t - start, sums.begin() +start);returncnt; } }; 本文转自博客园Grandyang的博客,原文链接:区间和计数[LeetCode] Count of Range Sum,如需转载请自行联系原博主。
// LeetCode #286 hard // 327. Count of Range Sum // Runtime: 112 ms, faster than 5.57% of C++ online submissions for Count of Range Sum. // Memory Usage: 9.2 MB, less than 100.00% of C++ online subm…