Most nouns in English fit into one of two categories: count nouns and noncount nouns (also called mass nouns). A count noun names a thing that can be
Rich:the sandwiches are awful.non-count nouns 是不可数名词,count nouns是可数名词就大概这意思反馈 收藏
Non-count nounsCannot be counted. They usually express a group or a type. water, wood, ice, air, oxygen, English, Spanish, traffic, furniture, milk, wine, sugar, rice, meat, flour, soccer, sunshine, etc.Generally cannot be pluralized.Work both with and without an article (a, an, or...
Again, quite literally, non-count nouns are nouns which cannot be counted. Example: Chair vs. Furniture The sentence pairs below compare the count noun chair and the non-count noun furniture. There are chairs in the room. (correct) There are furnitures in the room. (incorrect) There is a...
Count nouns are nouns that can be counted and can be in the plural form. However, noncount nouns are nouns that can neither be counted nor pluralized. Noncount nouns use singular verbs. Quantity words are words that precede nouns and describe their number or amount. Some quantity words can...
counted, such as rice or water.non-count nouns have a singular form, but when they are indefinite, we either use the word"some" or nothing at all instead of an article.could I have some water please?I'd like rice with my steak How to tell whether a noun is count or non-count ...
In English, nouns can be count nouns or noncount nouns. Countnouns have a singular form and a plural form. Noncount nounshave only a singular form. They do not have a plural form.Examples:Count NounsNoncount NounsI had an unusual experienceDon't forgetto take ...
Count/Noncount NounsIn English, nouns can be count nouns or noncount nouns. Countnouns have a singular form and a plural form. Noncount nounshave only a singular form. They do not have a plura form.Examples:Count NounsNoncount NounsI had an unusual experienceDon't forget to take your...
Countable nouns和Non count nouns Countable nouns:Individual NOUNbothCountable nouns。每个可数名词都有其单数和复数形式。A.单数表示“一个”的概念。用名词的单数时,名词前需加a或an。如a book(一本书)、a river(一条河)、an apple(一个苹果)、an orange(一个橘子)等。B.复数表示两个或两个以上的物体...