在Linq结果上使用"Count"属性是可以的。在Linq中,"Count"属性用于获取集合中元素的数量。它可以应用于Linq查询的结果,以获取查询结果中元素的数量。 Linq(Language Integrated Query)是一种用于查询和操作各种数据源的技术,包括集合、数据库、XML等。它提供了一种统一的查询语法和操作符,使得开发人员可以使用类似SQL...
是一种在编程中使用LINQ(Language Integrated Query)语法来执行高效数据查询的方法。LINQ是一种用于从各种数据源(如集合、数据库、XML等)中查询和操作数据的统一查询语言。 join是LINQ中的一个关键字,用于将两个数据集(例如两个表)基于某个共同的字段进行连接操作。通过使用join,可以将两个数据集中的相关数据进行关联...
Type: System.Linq.IQueryable<TSource> The IQueryable<T> that contains the elements to be counted. Return Value Type: System.Int32 The number of elements in the input sequence. Usage Note In Visual Basic and C#, you can call this method as an instance method on any object...
Assembly: System.Linq.dll Returns the number of elements in a sequence. Overloads Expand table Count<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>) Returns the number of elements in a sequence. Count<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource,Boolean>) Returns a number that represents how many element...
System.Linq.Queryable.dll Returns anInt64that represents the number of elements in sequence. Overloads Expand table LongCount<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>) Returns anInt64that represents the total number of elements in a sequence. LongCount<TSource>(IQueryable<TSource>, Expression<Func<TSource,...
First, how do I convert this to a Linq query? The LINQ documentation is very good an has examples. I recommend going through the documentation first and learn group y in LINQ./en-us/dotnet/csharp/linq/group-query-resultsSecond, what considerations should I look at as to whether to keep...
var query = from c in A join rl in B on c.Id equals rl.ClassId into rlTemp from rlItem in rlTemp.Def
First, I recommend learning the LINQ group construct which is covered in the openly published reference documentation. /en-us/dotnet/csharp/linq/group-query-results Next, write code. If you need help, share the code you wrote, expected results, actual results, and be sure to provide your ...
table.Rows.Add("c", 2); table.Rows.Add("c", 3); table.Rows.Add("c", 4); return table; } static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("1111"); DataTable otable = GetData(); var query = from d in otable.AsEnumerable() group d by d.Field<string>("Name") into g ...
LinqToDB.SqlQuery.ConvertVisitor<LinqToDB.SqlProvider.BasicSqlOptimizer.RunOptimizationCont Steps to reproduce If you remove the Where Condition, or if you comment out the line: Count = irs.Count(x => x.InfeedAdviceID == infeed.Id),