Use Excel COUNTIFS function to count if greater than set amount, or count if less than set amount, or between minimum and maximum amount. Sample file, video
To count the cells greater than or less than a particular number, you can use the COUNTIF function to handle it. Count cells greater than a particular value Generic formula:COUNTIF(range,criteria) Example: Count the number of cells that are greater than 35 from the Number List. Using this...
=COUNTIF(F5:F15,">4500") Press the Enter key. Note: “>” means greater than, “<“ means less than, and “>=” means greater than or equal. Read More: Excel COUNTIF Function to Count Cells Greater Than 0 Example 2 – COUNTIF for Counting Cells Less Than a Value Let’s count ...
在 COUNTIF 函数中,条件是不区分大小写. 因此,字符串“India”和“INDIA”对公式的结果没有影响。 计算参加的学生人数不是来自 (≠) 印度,使用公式: =COUNTIF(B2:B8,"<>印度")OR=COUNTIF(B2:B8,"<>"&B2)>>> 结果是4 ☞COUNTIF 函数只在有一个条件时才起作用,对于更多...
Here we have listed two main methods for you to count cells with values that are less than, greater than, equal to, or not equal to a specific value in Excel. COUNTIF less than, greater than, equal to, or not equal to with formulas To use a formula to count c...
=COUNTIF(D4:D13,">"&H3) H3 has a value of 23,456, so you’ll get a count of values greater than23,456. Read More:COUNTIF Greater Than and Less Than [with Free Template] Example 9 – COUNTIF Less Than (<) Insert the following formula in the cell where you want the result, ...
Learn the basics of COUNTIF function in Excel. Formula examples to count blank and non-blank cells, with values greater than, less than or equal to the number you specify, duplicates or unique, or based on another cell values, COUNTIF formulas with multi
It includes cells containing values, text, logical values (TRUE or FALSE), error values, and text strings that appear empty but contain a space. Read Also –COUNTIF Less Than/COUNTIF Greater than 0/OR Logic in COUNTIF Problem You Might Face While Counting the Non-Blank Cells ...
=COUNTIF(B2:B5,">=32")-COUNTIF(B2:B5,"<=85") Counts the number of cells with a value greater than (>) or equal to (=) 32 and less than (<) or equal to (=) 85 in cells B2 through B5. The result is 1. =COUNTIF(A2:A5,"*") Counts the number of cells containing any ...
1.The COUNTIF function that follows produces the same outcome. 2.The cells that have a value greater than or equal to 10 are counted by the COUNTIF function below. 3.The COUNTIF function that follows produces the same outcome. 4.The number of cells that are less than 7 is counted...