The ISTEXT function checks if each cell in the specified range contains any text characters and returns an array of TRUE (cells with text) and FALSE (other cells) values. The double unary (--) or the multiplication operation coerces TRUE and FALSE into 1 and 0, respectively, producing an ...
If you need (or are curious) to know the color of a specific cell (fill or font color), add the following user-defined functions to your Excel. It returnsColorIndexas a decimal number. Custom functions to get the cell color FunctionGetCellColor(cell_refAsRange)DimindRow, indColumnAsLong...
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim rng As Range Dim r As Long If Not Intersect(Range("E4:AJ" & Rows.Count), Target) Is Nothing Then Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.EnableEvents = False For Each rng In Intersect(Range("E4:AJ" & Rows.Count), ...
Now, look at the code Excel created. You can find the "Macro recorder" on the "Developer" tab, if that tab is missing on the ribbon you need to enable it. Then go to the VB Editor to check out the code Excel created for you. See instructions below on how to show the Visual ...
from random import randint, choice from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl.styles import Font, c...
Using VBA, we would create a custom function, that would work like a COUNTIF function and return the count of cells with the specific background color.Here is the code:'Code created by Sumit Bansal from Function GetColorCount(CountRange As Range, CountColor As Range...
Avoid blank cells in excel export Avoid Report Server authentication with reports embeded via iframe Back to Parent Button in SSRS not showing Background Color Formatting by expression in SSRS Report Background colour based on column group Backup Button is disabled in Reporting Services Configuration ...
Forum: Excel Questions D deleting rows above hello im trying to make a macro so that if the "raw data" tab has more rows than the "calculations" tab, more rows will be added according to the difference. if the opposite is true, then delete the rows's what I have...
I want to get a row count of distinct values in a particular column. For example, I have a DataTable of Product Orders, but I want to get the number of unique Customers. I was using this code, but I can't rely on it because my binding source is filtered from time to time. If ...
Comes in a fetching green and white colour scheme. Background I was recently asked how many lines of code there are in our current C# project, and how that compared with another similar project. The ‘other’ project is much bigger in terms of resources (numbers of developers), although it...