Function Count_Colored_Cells(ColorCells As Range, DataRange As Range) Dim Data_Range As Range Dim Cell_Color As Long Cell_Color = ColorCells.Interior.ColorIndex For Each Data_Range In DataRange If Data_Range.Interior.ColorIndex = Cell_Color Then Count_Colored_Cells = Count_Colored_Cells + ...
or any other formatting in Excel. It is a statistical function that only works with values. If you want to count colored cells in a worksheet, you may use the Find feature. Press Ctrl+F to bring the Find and Replace dialogue box. Click onFormat > Choose Format From Cell. Take the poi...
You may use GET.CELL and countif functions to count the number of cells of different colors. For more, please refer to:,%232%20Count%20Colored%20Cells%20Using%20GET.CELL%20Function,-GET.CELL%2...
GET.CELL is a function based on a VBA macro. This function takes the first cell of the column with all colored cells as an argument. It returns the color code of that cell. Click Close. Step 3: If you start to enter the formula COLOREDCELL in D5, you will see that Excel will sug...
How to count colored cells in Excel To quickly calculate color-coded cells, follow the steps below. Note.Sum and Count by Color does not identify the format of the values in the cells. For example, if you have dates in your range, the tool will treat them as numbers. ...
_"Kutools for Excel",_Type:=8)IfNotsampleColorIsNothingThenrefColor=sampleColor.Cells(1,1).DisplayFormat.Interior.colorForEachcellInselectedRangeIfcell.DisplayFormat.Interior.color=refColorThencountByColor=countByColor+1sumByColor=sumByColor+cell.ValueEndIfNextcell MsgBox"Count: "&countByColor&vbCrLf...
If we want to know how many cells in this range are colored, we can use the formula (after we've dropped the function into a module):= CountColoredCells(cell_range)= CountColoredCells(C4:C10)By using the "CountColoredCells" function and selecting the range we want to count, we can ...
=COUNTIF(A2:A15, "<>10") Here’s how it works The range A2:A15 tells Excel to look at the cells from A2 up to A15. <>10″ sets the condition for counting the cells not equal to “10”. The formula goes through each cell in the range A2 to A15 and checks if the value is ...
3. How to Sum Colored Cells in Excel Without VBA? Without VBA, summing coloured cells can be challenging. There are a few ways, like using the SUMIF function, creating a table to sum values of coloured cells, using the Find & Select option, and incorporating GET.CELL method can help yo...
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a function that could count colored cells in Excel? Sadly, there isn’t any inbuilt function to do this. BUT.. It can easily be done. #1 Count Colored Cells Using Filter and SUBTOTAL #2 Count Colored Cells Using GET.CELL Function ...