Distinct count in Excel refers to the number of unique values within a specified range of data, excluding any duplicates. It provides a count that focuses solely on the distinct values present. This metric is valuable when dealing with datasets that have repetitive information, allowing for a cle...
Before using excel count unique values, it’s better to know the difference between Distinct and Unique values. In simple terms, any dataset in a spreadsheet will be called Unique data if it doesn’t contain repeated values. But a dataset in a spreadsheet will be labeled as Distinct data if...
Unique value in excel appears in a list of items only once and the formula for counting unique values in Excel is “=SUM(IF(COUNTIF(range,range)=1,1,0))”. The purpose of counting unique and distinct values is to separate them from the duplicates of a list of Excel. A duplicate val...
Excel 三步搞定distinct count(不重复计数) Excel 如何不重复计数,一个最最最最最简单的方法,无需现编辅助公式,无需插件/宏。 第一步,选定数据源 选择所需数据源 第二步,插入pivot table 勾选最后一项 请注意,一定要勾选最下方。 第三步,生成pivot table,在右下角field list中,选择value field settings,拉...
Excel returns the result as: As visible, the result is seven. This shows there are seven distinct values in our data set. Let’s now break down the formula and look into each function separately The COUNTIF function returns the number of times an individual value occurs in the data set....
always have to use formulas for this. Having a large dataset needs you to get help from multiple features used in Excel. You often tend to find how many unique values or duplicate values are there in the sheet. On the other hand, sometimes you need to count distinct values in Excel. ...
Now you can just selectDistinct CountasValue Field Settingsunder theValuespane. I think you are using a version of Excel higher than or equal to 2013 (guessing from your screenshot). If your version is lower than that, e.g., 2010, you'll need to install PowerPivot Addin (downloadable ...
在Excel中选择一个空白单元格作为结果输出的位置。然后输入以下公式: =SUM(1/COUNTIF(数据区域,数据区域)) 在这个公式中,"数据区域"是指你要统计的数据所在的范围。要确保这个范围包含所有要计算的数据。 然后按下回车键,Excel会自动计算出distinct count的结果。这个结果表示在指定的数据区域中有多少个不同的值。
Now scroll down to the end to get “Distinct Count” and click OK. Here we go: you have a Distinct/Unique Count for each region in the pivot table. Therefore, we have only 18 unique service providers in the country. Using the Function COUNTIF ...