Counting subsequencesperfect treeFor k ∈ Z~+, define Σ_k as the set of integers {0, 1, . . . , k ? 1}. Given an integer n and a string t of length m ≥ n over Σ_k, we count the number of times that each one of the k~n distinct strings of length n over Σ_k ...
A_First_ABC.cpp A_First_ABC_2.cpp A_First_Player.cpp A_Forbidden_Integer.cpp A_Forked.cpp A_Full_Moon.cpp A_GamingForces.cpp A_Garland.cpp A_Get_together.cpp A_Gift_Carpet.cpp A_Glutton_Takahashi.cpp A_Goals_of_Victory.cpp A_Grasshopper_on_a_Line.cpp A_Greatest_Convex.cpp A_Gre...
Maximize count of occurrences of S2 in S1 as a subsequence by concatenating N1 and N2 times respectively - The following article discusses an approach to count the maximum occurrences of a string s2 in another string s1 after they have been concatenated
1616A-IntegerDiversity.cpp 1616B-MirrorInTheString.cpp 1617A-ForbiddenSubsequence.cpp 1617B-GCDProblem.cpp 1617C-PaprikaAndPermutation.cpp 1618A-PolycarpAndSumsOfSubsequences.cpp 1618B-MissingBigram.cpp 1618C-PaintTheArray.cpp 1618D-ArrayAndOperations.cpp 1619A-SquareString.cpp 1619B-SquaresAndCubes...
Given a binary stringS[1,...,N](i.e. a sequence of 0's and 1's), andQqueries on the string. There are two types of queries: 1. Flipping the bits (i.e., changing all 1 to 0 and 0 to 1) betweenlandr(inclusive). 2. Counting the number of distinct subsequences in the subst...
Counting the number of distinct subsequences in the substring S[l,...,r]. Input The first line contains an integer T, denoting the number of the test cases. For each test, the first line contains two integers N and Q. The second line contains the string S. ...
0938-Range-Sum-of-BST 0939-Minimum-Area-Rectangle 0940-Distinct-Subsequences-II 0941-Valid-Mountain-Array 0942-DI-String-Match 0943-Find-the-Shortest-Superstring 0944-Delete-Columns-to-Make-Sorted 0945-Minimum-Increment-to-Make-Array-Unique 0946-Validate-Stack-Sequences 0947-Most-...
Given a binary stringS[1,...,N](i.e. a sequence of 0's and 1's), andQqueries on the string. There are two types of queries: 1. Flipping the bits (i.e., changing all 1 to 0 and 0 to 1) betweenlandr(inclusive). 2. Counting the number of distinct subsequences in the subst...
Note: The sequence of integers will be represented as a string. 思路: 举例说明怎么做,求 s=1211 的下一个,用res记录。从下标1开始遍历这个字符串,下标0作为比较字符。将s[1]与s[0]比较,不等,于是s[0]只重复了一次,因此就是1个s[0],此时res=11。再将s[2]与s[1]比较,还是不等,res=1112。s...
A_Fire_Nation_s_Fury.cpp A_First_ABC.cpp A_First_ABC_2.cpp A_First_Player.cpp A_Forbidden_Integer.cpp A_Forked.cpp A_Full_Moon.cpp A_GamingForces.cpp A_Garland.cpp A_Get_together.cpp A_Gift_Carpet.cpp A_Glutton_Takahashi.cpp A_Goals_of_Victory.cpp A_Grasshopper_on_a_Line.cpp ...