Version note:Module support forcountwas added in Terraform 0.13, and previous versions can only use it with resources. Note:A given resource or module block cannot use bothcountandfor_each. Hands-on:Try theManage Similar Resources With Counttutorial. ...
1在这里代表一行 COUNT(column)对特定的列的值具有的行数进行计算,不包含NULL值 COUNT(条件表达式),...
I got this error after running ‘terrafor plan’. I am using terraform v1.2.1 on Windows x64. D:\AWS_LZ\abc-prod-shared-services\lz-sharedservices>terraform plan ╷ │ Error: Module is incompatible with count, for_each, and depends_on │ │ on vpc-...
I'm getting a wrong error message. Moduleadoes not have a provider, and modulebdoesn't havefor_each,countordepends_on. This worked correctly with Terraform 1.1.9. $ terraform init Initializing modules... There are some problems with the configuration, described below. The Terraform configuratio...
Due to company policy, I cannot attach my actual terraform code. I can tell you that we are using for_each with a set and this is the same issue. I was able to workaround it by doing the following: Modify terraform state file manually and change the version from 0.12.28 to 0.12.10...
This data source provides details about a specific Management Agent Plugin Count resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Management Agent service. Gets count of the inventory of management agent plugins for a given compartment id and group by parameter. Supported groupBy parameter: p...
This data source provides details about a specific Management Agent Plugin Count resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Management Agent service. Gets count of the inventory of management agent plugins for a given compartment id and group by parameter. Supported groupBy parameter: ...
Error: Invalid for_each argument on .terraform/modules/addons/modules/scaleway/fluxv2.tf line 72, in resource "kubectl_manifest" "apply": 72: for_each = { for v in local.apply : lower(join("/", compact([v.data.apiVersion, v.data.kind, lookup(v.data.metadata, "namespace", "")...