Mental Health, Imago Counselor Therapist ME & CT, Androscoggin Wellness Counseling, Individuals,Couples, Family, PTSD, Online EMDR,Anxiety, Depression, Anger,
Joining the mind & body for a better life You deserve to be happy, healthy, and well! I can help you tap into your best life through counseling & wellness services. View Specialties Pam Fusco, LCPC CCTP Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor | EMDR Therapist Certified Clinical Trauma Professi...
Making the decision to see a counselor can be an intimidating, and overwhelming process. I will work with you on a level that meets your needs and comforts. Finding the right therapist is 90% of it, so it is vital that you feel comfortable working with me, and I you, in order to ge...
We found the therapist and Couples Therapy Inc. separately. We were concerned the company may be too intense or gimmicky, but after finding the therapist and seeing she worked with you, we went back and gave it a more serious look. But you just never know if it’s all it’s cracked ...
For example, a couple’s level of flexibility and adaptability to various life situations and circumstances should be assessed by the practitioner. In addition, the therapist should endeavor to determine the positive factors such as integrity and self-esteem discerned during the assessment process. ...
If you don’t like the idea of going to a therapist’s office, you might try online counseling, which research has demonstrated to be just as effective as in-person counseling. With online therapy at, you can communicate with a counselor from home or anywhere with an internet connection via...
Talk Think Thrive provides marriage counseling, couples & family therapy services to Boston MA for healthier relationships. Call now for therapy services in MA!
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It is common to feel stuck at times and unsure of how to move forward. It’s OK to not know what to do. Successful, smart and strong people have challenges, struggles and hard times. It’s a human thing. It is part of the human condition. ...