Mental Health, Imago Counselor Therapist ME & CT, Androscoggin Wellness Counseling, Individuals,Couples, Family, PTSD, Online EMDR,Anxiety, Depression, Anger,
"Jenn is everything you'd want in a therapist--high-energy, caring, insightful, and perceptive. She has the right balance of humor and humanity. She is a great therapist for both adults and teens. As her colleague, I would highly recommend her to others and refer to her often." Ariann...
Jan Rakoff is a licensed therapist with an established practice in San Diego providing therapy in person or online to individuals & couples.
For example, a couple’s level of flexibility and adaptability to various life situations and circumstances should be assessed by the practitioner. In addition, the therapist should endeavor to determine the positive factors such as integrity and self-esteem discerned during the assessment process. ...
Julia Perry MA LMHC (also known as Julie Perry) is a therapist and mental health counselor in Duvall, Washington.
CounselorBarbTMserves clients in the Tampa Bay area who require a therapist, psychologist, psychological counselor, or mental health counselor that specializes in relationship, marriage, anxiety, depression and/or sexual issues.Additional descriptions of CounselorBarb and/or her services: Tampa Bay area...
At the Center for Young and Emerging Adults, counselor Wendy Summer provides counseling for older teens, young adults, college students, and adults up to 35. Based in Charlottesville, Virginia, Wendy Summer offers therapy for anxiety, depression, and tra
Ris Dennen-Barham has been in private practice for 20 years. Some areas of expertise include: • Depression/Anxiety • Eating Disorders • Couples Counseling • Parenting Skills • Abuse/Trauma Recovery MORE » Phone Counseling Your therapist will call you. Email Sessions Receive your ...
I believe the therapist and client work together as a team to find and process ways to better cope with the pain in one's life. We will explore and address current concerns, as well as work together to discover how the coping skills they have developed since childhood are causing ...
South Tampa Therapist Individual & Couples Therapy Personalized South Tampa Counseling Treatment plan for your unique goals Tampa Individual Therapy Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Panic, Self-Esteem, & Stress Tampa Couples & Marriage Counseling Build intimacy with each other ...