Miller, E. & Willig, C. Pluralistic counselling and HIV-positive clients: The importance of shared understanding, European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling, 14 (1), pp. 33-45.Miller, E. & Willig, C. (2012). Pluralistic counselling and HIV-positive clients: the importance of shared ...
The title of this chapter embraces AIDS patients, the HIV-infected, people near to them, and the worried well, all of whom may become clients of the counsellor. Given the incurability of HIV infection, health education and counselling have assumed an importance hitherto denied them. The ...
Patients' psychological well-being scores indicated significant improvements in perceptions of autonomy, personal growth, environmental mastery, positive relations with others and self-acceptance when compared with a conveniently selected, student control group....
The data consist of information from 611 HIV-positive patients above the age of 16. These HIV-positive persons predominantly chose a significant other of the same gender as themselves. Those married or cohabiting usually did not choose their partner. However, the significant other was chosen among...
Along these lines, and in order to improve communication during counselling, the development of decision support tools has been encouraged: a set of complementary interventions used, among others, to support clinicians when informing and/or counselling patients [15]. However, there is no evidence th...
In Zambia, the integration of PITC into routine OPD care substantially increased case finding of HIV positive patients [15, 26]. Systematic reviews have demonstrated the importance of PITC in identifying undiagnosed HIV infections [27, 28]. Studies have also reported other benefits of routine HIV ...
By June 2011 a record 13,269,746 HIV tests were conducted and 2,155,312 (16%) people tested positive of whom 48% had CD4 counts above 350. Over 400,000 patients were initiated on ART, of whom 57,000 were pregnant women. National Laboratory DNA PCR results indicat...
[...]Christian health-care facility; they continue to care for millions of sick and dying people andtogive counsellingtopeople who are HIV positive. 从第一个患有艾滋病的男人或妇女走进基 督教保教设施起,教会就站到了抗击艾滋病毒大流行的最前方。
Thus, 5.4% of the additional individuals tested for HIV associated with PITC provider deployment were HIV positive, lower than the 7.4% (34,525/468,858) of clients who tested positive across the 249 sites during the same 7-month period of PITC provider deployment. Table 2 Change in facility...
Majority of new Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-positive persons in Ghana are aged 15–24. HIV prevalence among persons aged 15–24 years, a proxy for new infections, remained stable at 1.5% for 2017 and 2018, making it a significant public health concern. Yet only 26.4% of females and...