ADELAIDE (S. Aust.)SOUTH AustraliaAUSTRALIAGOVERNMENT policy on climate changeCARBON dioxide mitigationCARBON taxesSURVEYSThere is growing concern about climate change impacts on local government areas. In Australia, the federal carbon tax (from 1 July 2012) will also increase costs for local councils...
This paper reports on carbon mitigation actions adopted by Greater Adelaide councils (n=14) in South Australia. A survey of environmental officers profiled carbon mitigation actions, emissions auditing, and motives for emissions reduction by councils. The main reasons for carbon actions were a climate...
$80,000 for Kingston District Council to install geotextile bags to further protect the eroding dunes adjacent to the Wyomi Beach sea wall. $75,000 for City of Port Adelaide Enfield to build a flood levee at Birkenhead to prevent flooding. $58,000 for the District Council of Mount Remarkabl...
AdelaidecarbonmitigationclimategovernancelocalcouncilsSouthAustraliaThere is growing concern about climate change impacts on local government areas. In Australia, the federal carbon tax (from 1 July 2012) will also increase costs for local councils. This paper evaluates what carbon mitigation (i.e. ...
Governing Carbon Mitigation and Climate Change within Local Councils: A Case Study of Adelaide, South Australia There is growing concern about climate change impacts on local government areas. In Australia, the federal carbon tax (from 1 July 2012) will also increase... H Zeppel - 《Commonwealth...