It sets out the council's approach to the management of its finances, gives indications of budgets and council tax levels and identifies any significant financial risks likely to be faced by the council in future years. The plan discussed at the cabinet meeting also aims to identify the resourc...
Council Tax Levels Frozen; Authority Faces Tough YearByline: MIKE BLACKBURNEvening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England)
I have heard questions about what has the City done with our tax dollars?? So, I went back through agendas for the past 4 years just to see what all we have accomplished.Let me tell you, we have been very busy!Check out this list below. ...
August 28, 2023/bikinginla/2 comments My apologies if you received an email with just the barest outline of a post earlier. I seem to have had a twitchy publish button finger. ……… Somehow, you knew this was going to happen.
In 2023, the GST councilannounceda 28% GST levy that would apply to the total game value for online gaming, horse racing, and casinos. This, in effect,equatedskill-based online games (non-gambling games) with online games of chance (gambling games) under India’s tax regime and was met...
having this background information is essential to solving practical problems. Secondly, legal personnel should try to change from the role of simple legal affairs to the role of general affairs, broaden their technical, business and even financial perspective, especially tax perspective and the sense...
19. Implement the preferential tax policies for FIEs.Guidance and assistance should be provided to foreign individuals to enjoy tax benefits for housing subsidies, language training fees, children’s education fees, etc., in accordance with the re...
At Full Council meeting on 6th February Izzy raised the issue of Birmingham City Council sending out letters to residents in receipt of single person discount on their council tax. The letter told them to go online within 3 weeks of the date of the letter to declare their continued eligibil...
In the 2024-25 financial year, the premium will be based on rates from 2023-24. Last month, First MinisterHumza Yousafannounced a council tax freeze that would keep rates at current levels when local authorities set their budgets for 2024-25. ...