最后提醒大家,如果是毕业后搬家,除了GP、银行卡、宽带、电视、警察局记得改地址之外,不要忘了重新修改地址缴纳Council tax!需要把之前的注销掉,Council tax费用从当月起按照你新搬入的房子等级重新计算。
【Reference】*web:http://www.gov.uk/guidance/understand-how-council-tax-bands-are-assessed#council-tax-bands-in-england-based-on-1-april-1991-values 每一个类别的房屋会被收取不同的税款。当地有关部门都会保存这样的一份名单,包含了当地的所有房屋所在类别,这就是所谓的Valuation List。 你问每个月如果...
在网站输入counciltaxdiscount,选择gov.uk的网站,此处需要输入你住所的邮编,就会呈现你所属的Council,之后会跳转到对应council的网站。 填写住址以及日期等信息,Council一般会在10天内发信到你家,上面会有counciltaxreferencenumber,这是申请所需要最重要的东西之一。 一般情况下中介或者房东都会帮助大家申请counciltax的账号。
这个问题非常不好回答,因为每个房子的价格都不一样,一共有8个不同的bands。好奇细节的同学可以参照这份表格: counciltax 当然,上面的表格只是给大家做个参考,具体要缴纳多少税费,大家可以在gov.uk上输入自己房子的邮编搜寻。 啥样的房子不会被收税? 有一些房子是可以在一段时间内免征税的,比如有些是半年,有些是...
Related to council tax:Council tax benefit n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in Britain) a tax, based on the relative value of property, levied to fund local council services Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 19...
This paper deals with simultaneous credible bands (SCBs) for transfer function estimates based on Gaussian posteriors of the impulse response vector derive... SC Council - Salford City Council 被引量: 0发表: 2015年 Council Tax Please ensure that you quote your account number (if you have one)...
into higher council tax bands.Areas such as Kingston, Teddington, Witham in Essex and Whitstable in Kent have seen house price rises well above the national average.Estate agents believe some properties could jump two or even three bands, adding more than [pounds sterling]600 to annual levies....
COUNCIL tax bands should be adjusted so those in higher-value homes pay proportionally more, a leading charity has urged. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation said adjusting the bands would also ease house price inflation by reducing demand for higher value homes. Research by the foundation revealed ...
英国的Council Tax是按住户为单位征收, 计算方法也很复杂, 会根据你房屋所在区域,房屋本身价值, 能耗级别等等来评估. 可点击 https://www.gov.uk/council-tax-bands 查看. From Gov.uk 具体房屋的等级不同, 缴纳的税率也相应不同, 从A到H八个等级划分, 每个等级需缴纳的Council Tax的费用由VOA(Valuation Off...