AWelsh woman will spend a well-deserved 45 months behind barsfor fleeing the scene after running a bike-riding man down from behind, and selling her car days later to cover up the crime; the victim had to have his leg amputated due to his injuries.And yes, that sentence should have bee...
Jewish "Soul" Music by Jean Turkiewicz The Greenbelt Arts Center wi1l open its 1994-191>5 Musie Series with the Maohaya Klezmef Band on October 22 at 8 p.m. in the Arts Center located next door to the Green1belt Post Office. Klez- mer music is Eastern European Jewis'h folk "...
Your council tax is based on the value of your house in 1991. That’s right. Nothing has been revalued since then. If your house is newer, the Valuation office assesses its 1991-equivalent value to use as a council tax calculation. My house in North Hinksey Parish is a Band D property...
In late March, we can look forward to one of the best ohana- oriented events on the calendar when a four-day festival is held on Magic Island. For local residents, we hope the festival will recapture many hanabata day memories. Our Royal Hawaiian Band, under the direction of Bandmaster ...
It is unfortunate that it was not done earlier, because the Parkside Community Annex- ation process i"s still plagued with misinformation: We have heard statements re- lating to the estimated $15,000 in net tax revenue the City of Greenbelt will receive stated as, "the present city ...
Tax and Regulatory Services Challenging Agenda* 09India Budget *connectedthinking PricewaterhouseCoopers has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the information contained herein has been obtained from reliable sources and that this publication is accurate and authoritative in all respects. However,...