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Define City councillor. City councillor synonyms, City councillor pronunciation, City councillor translation, English dictionary definition of City councillor. n. The governing body of a city. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fif
The average salary for a Louisiana state senator is $35,384 in odd-numbered years and $38,959 in even-numbered years. The salary for Louisiana state senators changes depending on the year because the amount of per-diem pay changes based on the number of days spent in legislative session. ...
The Local Government sector in Ireland is made up of 31 Local Authorities and 3 Regional Assemblies. Local Authorities are the closest and most accessible form of Government to the citizen. They have responsibility for the delivery of a wide range of services in their local area, with a focus...
Article 1. These regulations are formulated in order to perfect the labor system in state-owned enterprises, ensure the basic livelihood of workers and staff waiting for jobs, and safeguard social stability.doi:10.2753/CLG0009-4609340157Chinese Law & Government...
Efforts will be made to promote employment and entrepreneurship, which are top government work priorities, according to a circular issued by the State Council on April 19. Employment is significant to the livelihood of 1.3 billion people but also essential to economic development, said the circular...
BEIJING, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- China's State Council on Wednesday convened a plenary meeting to discuss a draft government work report. The document will be deliberated at the top legislature's annual session in March. The meeting, presided over by Premier Li Keqiang, decided to distribute th...
By 1952, the bridge was in such a bad state of repair, that it was closed to motor vehicles and horse drawn traffic. There were too many worn and rusted main girders that even after repair, it could not be operated safely without traffic limitations. In 1955, the bridge was closed to...
PARIS (Reuters) - France's Constitutional Council struck down a bill allowing schools to teach the majority of the day in minority languages such as Basque, Breton and Corsican, saying the plan was unconstitutional. State-funded schools can already provide bilingual education, but...