World′ Coun′cil of Church′es n. an ecumenical organization formed in 1948 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, comprising more than 160 Protestant and Eastern churches in over 48 countries, for cooperative, coordinated, theological, ecclesiastical, and secular action. ...
Chalcedon, COUNCIL OF, the Fourth Ecumenical Council, held in 451, from October 8 until November 1 inclusive, at Chalcedon, a city of Bithynia in Asia Minor. Its principal purpose was to assert the orthodox Catholic doctrine against the heresy of Eutyches and the Monophysites, although ec...
The pope took the 90-minute flight from Rome to Geneva June 21 for what organizers styled as an "ecumenical pilgrimage" to the World Council, an outgrowth of a late 19th-century ecumenical movement that brought together many Protestant denominations and Eastern and Oriental Orthodox churches. Franc...
8.(Ecclesiastical Terms)Christianityan assembly of bishops, theologians, and other representatives of several churches or dioceses, convened for regulating matters of doctrine or discipline [C12: from Old Frenchconcile,from Latinconciliumassembly, fromcom-together +calāreto call; influenced also by Lati...
Center of this chapter is the World Council of Churches (WCC), the most important international Christian organization besides the Roman Catholic Church. Founded in 1948 in Amsterdam and located in Geneva it consists of Protestants, Anglicans and Orthodox, representing more than 580 million people ...
Where, then, has a theory of a broader Church led us, if not to a tacit and persistent denial, on the part of the Orthodox ecumenists, of the primacy of Orthodoxy?Statement on the Relationship of the Orthodox Church to the World Council of Churches...
Defenders of Orthodoxy: St. John of Damascus (675-745), known as John Mansur, was educated at the Caliphate Court in Damascus. He held a position comparable to that of aPrime Minister. He was a devout OrthodoxChristian. He entered the Monastery of St. Sabbas in Palestine, where he wrote...
He was elected on June 17 as the ninth general secretary in the WCC's history since the fellowship of 580 million Christian in 352 churches worldwide. The WCC has in its fold most of the world's Orthodox churches, Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, and Reformed chu...
The Eastern Orthodox churches holds this council an ecumenical one, and adds its canons to the decrees of the Fifth and Sixth Councils. in the West St. Bede calls it (De sexta mundi aetate) a "reprobate" synod, and Paul the Deacon (Hist. Lang., VI, p. 11) an "erratic" one. Dr...
The World Council of Churches includes over 300 Protestant and Eastern Orthodox churches that have more than 400 million members in over a hundred countries. Ti Sangalubongan a Konsilio dagiti Iglesia ramanenna ti nasurok 300 nga iglesia Protestante ken ti Dumaya nga Orthodox nga addaan nasur...