必应词典为您提供The-Council-of-Foreign-Relations的释义,网络释义: 对外关系委员会;美国外交关系协会;外交关系委员会;
盖特纳向对外关系委员会(Council for Foreign Relations)表示,他还没有就中国央行行长周小川有关在国际储备中扩大“特别提款 … www.ftchinese.com|基于16个网页 2. 外交关系中心 智库外交关系中心(Council for Foreign Relations)的资深研究员布特(Max Boot)对“外籍佣兵”的想法大表支持。他建议美军在布 … ...
European Council on Foreign Relations Verified https://ecfr.eu This organization has no public repositories. People This organization has no public members. You must be a member to see who’s a part of this organization.
美国专家:合法移民政策应优先考虑经济 根据美国外交关系委员会(Council on Foreign Relations)的数据,在美国总人口中,出生于外国的居民的比例比其他任何国家都更高。美国人口普查局估计,移民约占美国总人口的13.7%。 但根据加图研究所(Cato Institute)的研究报告,那些希望在美国永久居住的移民中,只有不到1%的人可以合法...
Secretary of the Treasury, Co-Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations: “The rise of China presents significant opportunities [...] blackstone.com 美国第 70 任财政部长及现任美国对外关系委员 会联 合主席 Robert “Bob” Rubin:“中国的崛起对美国和其他国家带来了巨大的机遇和问题。 china....
2024年07月13日 Council on Foreign Relations 作者:Will Freeman、Steven Holmes、图片编辑Sabine Baumgartner 编辑:阿K 自新冠大流行以来,美洲的移民动态和规模发生了显著变化。每年都有数百万移民和流离失所者前往美墨边境,他们不仅来自墨西哥和中美洲北部,还包括更南部的国家及全球各地。
Mandelbaum (ed.) Postcommunism. Four Perspectives. A Council on Foreign Rela- tions Book.Middle East. Council of Foreign Relations Book. New York: Random House.Mandelbaum, M. (1996.) Introduction. In: M. Mandelbaum (ed.) Postcommunism. Four Perspectives. A Council on Foreign Relations Book....
A long established and relatively public organ of the US deep state. Not to be confused with Committee on Foreign Relations, the European Council on Foreign Relations or the UK/Council on Foreign Relations which was registered to the same address as the Integrity Initiative. The Council on Forei...
Council on Foreign Relations: Influencing American Government: Despite Promises of "Change," as Uttered by Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and Now Barack Obama, Successive Presidential Administrations Have in Common the Fact That Important Posts Are Staffed by Individuals from the Same Small Organizations...
Foreign Relations, ECFR) 1. Julien Barnes-Dacey, Cinzia Bianco, Hugh Lovatt, The GAZA Crisis: Mapping the Middle East's Shifting Battle Lines, March 2024. https://ecfr.eu/special/the-gaza-crisis-mapping-the-middle-easts-shifting-battle-lines/ ...