Montgomery Council OKs Its Raise: Includes Executive, Sheriff, ProsecutorThe Montgomery County Council members yesterday approved salary increases for themselves, the...Mizejewski, Gerald
(Gaithersburg, MD) SEIU Local 500, the largest union local in Montgomery County, announced it was putting its full support behind Ana Sol Gutierrez for the Montgomery County Council District 1. The District 1 seat is open because incumbent Count Councilmember Roger Berliner is running for County ...
But the story doesn’t end there. As members of the Champion Council, these individuals can significantly impact their educational communities. They participate in professional development experiences to elevate their voices, boost their confidence, and enable them to create meaningful impact in their l...
Since 1990, the Montgomery County Council has had five district seats and four at-large seats. Every few years, proposals are made to get rid of the at-large seats and go to an all-district seat system. County votersrejected a ballot question doing so in 2004 by a 61-39% vote. The ...
The article reports on the amendment of the Human Rights law in Montgomery County, Maryland. The amendment adds gender identity to the list of categories that are being protected from discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. This law prohibits discrimination against employees or...
PSAT Participation and Performance of Grade 10 Students in the Montgomery County Public Schools 2001–2002 to 2005–2006 Council of Chief State School Officers. (2001). Assessing limited English proficient students. pdf.Maryland State Department of Educa...
Alok Doshi and Wilson George, members of the hearing classes, were given special physical fit- ness awards by their teacher, Mary Gary. Officer Mintz from the Prince Georges County Police Depart- ment praised Center student pa- trol leaders for doing such a the next years would be cha!- ...
Aid and assist Veterans and their Families and the Community at large in the New York Counties of Albany, Schenectady, Rensselaer…extending our services to Columbia, Greene, Hamilton, Herkimer, Montgomery, Fulton, Saratoga, Schoharie, Warren, and Washin
Council members Andrew Dawson and Rhiannon Foster were absent from Monday night's meeting. The City of Sedalia received a proposal from Pettis County for a temporary and permanent roadway easement conveyance over property. City Council, after going into closed session for discussion, returned to ope...
Councilmembers were somewh•.1t uncomifortable a'bout t.lhe rougihly $25,500 difference between the accepted -bid of $41i,- 200 and the next lowest quote. Hirsch told council ,that all three icontriactors ,had bi-d on the same package. He attributed the difference •between them...