Meetings are usually on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. The next monthly meeting is Tuesday 18th February 2025 at 7 pm in Tansley Community Hall, Church Street. Here is the agenda for February. (The agenda for the next meeeting appears here at least three days before it.) People can ...
CORNWALL, Ontario – Cornwall City Council received the final draft of the new 10-year Recreation Master Plan at their meeting on Monday, April 26. The plan provides 70 recommendations to serve as a guide for the city in developing recreation amenities over the next decade. The plan was prepa...
Similarly meetings don’t always have to be seated, everyone in the room is in the same boat and needs to include movement in their day so make a suggestion to stand regularly throughout the meeting, add MOM activity within your team’s daily tasks and soon these moments of movement will...
Dedicated funding is appropriate when there is urgent need for funds for high priority projects such as affordable housing. The funding stream is earmarked for a specific purpose, and can be discontinued when the need is met. Robert Ray. Robert Ray Democrat Hometown Alexandrian, second generation ...
Sign up at the meetings. Congratulations to Mayor Toni Bram and other Council incum- bents who were all re-elected to office on Nov. 7. Clean Up A Stream Come help the National Park Service clean a section of a stream within Greenbelt Park on Sunday, November 19. Meet at park ...
“They are under constant surveillance, and now the authorities have taken away their permission to practice as lawyers. It was done on a technicality,” Demir Minadirov of Crimea Solidarity told me when we met in Kyiv last week. In July the three were stripped of their lawyers’ licenses,...
does not extend to requiring future commitments to participate in future meetings. We recommend against such a resolution because it is outside the terms of the code of conduct.” The NZ Bill of Rights Act provides me with all the defence I need against these Code of Conduct accusations, par...
The meeting proceedings can be followed Monday evening live on Channel 16, streamed online by Community Television Network starting at 7 p.m. The Chronicle will be filing live updates from city council chambers during the meeting, published in this article below the preview material. Click here ...
where meming is opaque and not of primary impcnance. At the International Festival of Sound Poelry in Glasgow lest fall, bisrett was hailed the star of the 65 poets present. "Bill keeps the meaning component out so that different meanings can come in." explains Tellman. \\%o knew that...