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It explores the essential aspects in life of African American explorer Matthew Henson. Topics discussed include the expectations of a Social Studies teacher, the objectives of the lesson plan, instructional strategies, materials needed for the classroom discussion and learning assessment....
We are the home for Social Studies information in the state of Missouri. Come here if you are teaching history, social studies, or a related field.
ACSS is to foster dialogue among teachers on the special mission of social studies, to assist teachers in teaching social studies more effectively, to promote student learning in social studies through quality teaching and curriculum and to increase student engagement and participation for the public ...
the Social Studies. National Council for the Social Studies.National Council for the Social Studies.Presents the minutes taken at the congress of the National Council for the Social Studies, held in November 1997, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Outline of sessions at the congress; Speakers at the meeting...
children’s literature, citizenship, language arts, National Council for the Social Studies Notable Trade Books, patriotism, social actionCitizens in our democracy need a skill set that enables them to take action to help others, challenge bias and prejudice, and demonstrate patrioti...
A special session designed for California Council for the Social Studies—CCSS 2008 In this session, the goal is to demonstrate a variety of analytical tools that students can apply in the social sciences in order to understand and appreciate a diversity of perspectives. A global perspective can ...
Social studies educators already have identified what characterizes deeper or powerful social studies learning. What now is necessary is bringing this vision of powerful social studies education into the 21st century. In this position statement, the National Council for the Social Studies makes the ...
Opportunities Within the National Council for the Social Studies Geography Community: The Geography Teacher: Vol 13, No 1doi:10.1080/19338341.2016.1151723Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image sizeInformaworldGeography Teacher
(redirected fromNational Council of Social Service) Category filter: AcronymDefinition NCSSNational Council for the Social Studies NCSSNational Council of Social Service(Singapore) NCSSNational Cooperative Soil Survey NCSSNon Commenting Source Statements ...