LEARNING disabilitiesCongressesPresents news items concerning the Council for Learning Disabilities (CLD) as of August 1981. Changing of name of organization from the Division for Children With Learning Disabilities to CLD at the spring 1981 business meeting; Approval of proposal for flow-through money...
Synthesis of Research Symposium at CLD\"s 34th International Conference on Learning Disabilities: Must Reads for 2012 The members of the Council for Learning Disabilities' Research Committee convene annually to discuss what they have identified as "Must Read" articles publ... DK Reed,BL Weiser,KD...
CLDdefinitionfuture directionslearning disabilityAnniversaries offer a time for reflection, celebration, validation, and sometimes, simply a candid conversation on the current state of a field. In the field of learning disabilities, anniversaries offer a time to consider how far the field has come and...