问题一:编译NetFPGA-SUME-live-master的acceptance_test测试程序时,产生“couldn't execute "mb-ar": no such file or directory”, 具体如截图: 解决方法: 安装如下库: apt-get install libstdc++5 apt-get install libstd... 查看原文 NetFPGA-SUME上电测试 parity checking, and no flow control. 按一...
Couldn’t execute “pwd”: no such file or directory while executing “source” “ftile_transceiver_toolkit_body.tcl”” Resolution To work around this problem, you can download and install patch 0.03 for Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 23.1. Intel® Quartus® Pr...
Executing test client: couldn't execute "src/redis-benchmark": no such file or directory. 则执行以下两个步骤 1.sudo make distclean 2.sudo make https://www.cnblogs.com/guanbin-529/p/9180840.html brew cask install another-redis-desktop-manager https://github.com/qishibo/AnotherRedisDesktopM...
Executing test client: couldn't execute "src/redis-benchmark": no such file or directory. 则执行以下两个步骤 1.sudo make distclean 2.sudo make brew cask install another-redis-desktop-manager
ansys12.0安..win7系统 有没有高手知道啊 couldn't execute "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\win32\APLConfig.exe": no such file or directory
Couldn't execute 'show fields from `user_role`': Lost connection to MySQL server 1. 这个错误通常由以下原因引起: 超时:默认情况下,MySQL 数据库连接的超时时间是8小时,如果长时间没有进行数据库操作,连接可能会超时关闭,导致出现上述错误。 网络问题:连接 MySQL 数据库的网络出现问题,比如网络断开或者出现丢...
我们是直接使用 openEuler-22.03-LTS/openEuler-21.09 内核,没有额外内核代码移植工作。 @lyh123cg 如果需要 32 位的,可以基于 openEuler 内核参考 Firefly 官方文档编译 32 位的内核镜像尝试下。但是你当前操作过程有点奇怪,确实是要用 openharmony 的文件系统 + openEuler 内核吗?或者你可以基于 openharmony 的内核...
mysqldump: Couldn’t execute 'SELECT COLUMN_NAME, JSON_EXTRACT(HISTOGRAM, ‘$.“number-of-buckets-specified”’) FROM information_schema.COLUMN_STATISTICS 因为新版的mysqldump默认启用了一个新标志,通过--column-statistics=0来禁用他 4,导入 首先手动创建对应的库,右击run 刚刚导出的sql脚本!脚本不大的化,...
Android studio) using the capabilities suggested inthis documentationbut the session hangs and finally exists with erroradb error: couldn't create file: Permission denied. I'm not sure if there is some issue at my side (capabilities are visible in the stacktrace) or if this is a geckodriver ...