当你遇到“couldn't change ownership of savefile”这样的错误时,这通常意味着当前用户没有足够的权限来修改指定文件(在这个例子中是savefile)的所有权。下面是一些步骤和考虑因素,以及相应的代码或命令,来帮助你解决这个问题: 1. 确认当前用户权限 首先,确认你正在使用的用户账户是否有权限修改文件的所有权。这通常...
write(2, "Couldn't change ownership of sav"..., 37Couldn't change ownership of savefile) = 37 ... 看一下72是谁 # cat /etc/passwd |grep 72 tcpdump:x:72:72::/:/sbin/nologin 模拟一下操作 # chown tcpdump:tcpdump ./a.pcap chown: 正在更改'./a.pcap' 的所有者: 不允许的操作 ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于tcpdump: Couldn't change ownership of savefile的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及tcpdump: Couldn't change ownership of savefile问答内容。更多tcpdump: Couldn't change ownership of savefile相关解答可以来51CTO
version 1.12 istio-proxy@gg-5c45cfddf-6d76l:/dev$ sudo tcpdump -nn -c 400000 -w nework.cap tcp tcpdump: Couldn't change ownership of savefile
Save TLS12-Enable.reg. Double-click the TLS12-Enable.reg file. Select Yes to update the Windows registry. Restart the computer for the change to take effect.Enable TLS 1.2 for .NET 4.xThis step is required only for Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 or later installations that rely ...
I have a jpeg file from a screenshot that I have made and entered in "Open at Login" This file will not open and returns the following message "The file "xxx.jpg couldn't' be opened because you don't have permission to view it. To view or change permissions, ..etc." The permissi...
This is because C requires you to commit to many of the ABI details of your interface upfront, even if you’re uncertain about them. If you don’t want to commit to those details, you’ll have to change the shape of your API to hide them....
Please note that the default port for MongoDB server is 27017. Use your own path for dbpath and logpath you created in Step – 5. Don’t forget to close and save the conf file. Now we are all set to start our MongoDB service. Open two instances of Terminal.In Terminal 1, type in...
However, if you follow this detailed guide, you can take full ownership of files and folders. After that, you can change the default save location of apps. Other things you should know are: If you are trying to select an external drive, make sure that it is in working condition. If ...
Sometimes, the We couldn’t set your default save location error with code 0x80070005 might be due to alack of permissionand ownership of the required folders. 3. Delete some folders in WpSystem old game download folders Launch File Explorer and double-click the drive you want to set your de...