I have tried to repair the installation, rebooted the computer, and uninstalled/reinstalled the Visual Studio uninstaller. Unsure what could be causing the problem or how to fix it. I am attempting to use Visual Studio for Unity Game Dev. I had it working before on the 2017 version...
gyp verb builddir"build"dirneeded to be created? Yes npm ERR! gyp verbfindVS msvs_version wassetfrom command line or npm config npm ERR! gyp verbfindVS - lookingforVisual Studio installedin"C:\Users\dhaval\Desktop\Coursera Learning\TheForage\SkyScanner_FrontEnd_Software_Engineering_Virtual_Exper...
I research my VS2015 machine, I also didn't find the source file convert.cpp in my side. So I doubt that the specific source file would be a related to third party tools or others. Could you get this cpp file in other machine? Whether...
AspNetCore not logging to a file .Net Framework vs .Net Runtime .net framework 3.5 MAC OS .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed. (MySQL) .NET pdf viewer .pdb files in production environment? 'An operation was attempted on a nonexistent network connection' error 'bootstrap...
When I build a new project in LabVIEW I receive the following errors: LabVIEW: Generic file I/O error The file could not be loaded. The VI is not executable. The full development version of LabVIEW is required to fix the errors. When I am trying to open
错误提示“Metadata file 'xxx.dll' could not be found”步骤如下: 1、右键单击解决方案,然后单击“属性”。 2、单击左侧的配置。 3、确保选中了它找不到的项目的“生成”下的复选框。如果已选中,请取消选中,单击“应用”,然后再次选中这些框。然后重新生成一下解决方案就可以了。
I am still able to debug using the extension, but the amount of error messages are making the log file pretty large. UPDATE: after rebooting this morning, I am no longer able to debug using the extension. I can set a breakpoint I know will be hit, start the debugger, load a page ...
In VS 2015, there is no option to upgrade to .NET Framework 4.7 and when i did it to .net 4.7 from another machine also the same error persist. Tried all below option.Still unable to use HtmlAgilityPack. Please suggest Sajith Gopalakrishnan Hema ...
vs生成报错: 错误代码:CS0006 错误内容:Metadata file 'xxxxxx.dll' could not be found 错误原因:在错误列表中,查看警告内容后发现,有项目引用内容版本支持框架与项目目标框架版本不统一导致报错。 解决方式: (1)在项目中右键-属性-应用程序,查看目标框架版本 ...