"This combination — passive suspension while active in locomotion — is unique to dinosaurs; there are no animals alive today with this feature," van Bijlert explained. "Because of this, we were highly intrigued by its role in the way that T. rex would have walked." As a T. rex tail...
Most rockets in use today run on fossil fuels and release soot, which absorbs heat and could increase temperatures in the upper levels ofEarth's atmosphere. The atmospheric incineration of satellites produces aluminum oxides, which too can alter the planet's thermal balance. Both types of emission...
Science fiction often exaggerates or distorts science for dramatic effect—but many movies and TV shows have a nugget of realism at their core.
According to scientists, we are officially in a window of time where technology can bring the dinosaurs back.Sometime between now and 2025. ... Alan Grant is inspired by revealed an expectation technology to be capable of bringing dinosaurs back into existence sometime between today and five ye...
Cycads, as a group, have been around a long time. The first ones developed around 300 million years ago, roughly 70 million years before the emergence of dinosaurs. At that time, these plants were abundant and thriving. But today, they’re some of the most threa...
Okay, so today is a special episode for two reasons. First, it’s sort of a sibling episode to the last one we did where we talked about nanomedicine; super small technology that can be put inside a human body. Today, we are talking about something that is similar but a lot weirder...
Asteroids have dealt damage in the past, like when one killed all of the dinosaurs. And while that didn’t wipe out life completely, it came pretty close. So, yes—a large asteroid, such as the one that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs (and many other animals) could impact the ...
There will come a time, if we haven’t already passed it, when there will be more people alive than have died. I don’t have the figures. I can prove nothing. But it seems to me that if babies are born and there’s no “dearly departed spirit” to inhabit their body, what then...
The T. rex was a 20-foot tall carnivore who feasted on other dinosaurs. According to SciFi.com, the male Kong stands at a height of 25 feet tall, which is almost 5 times the size of the largest gorillas. King Kong, an ape introduced to the world by Hollywood screen writers in ...
Today Aunt Myrtle is still an enthusiastic supporter of her"favourite niece".Like a diamond,she has reflected a bright,multifaceted (多面的) image of possibilities to every pupil who has crossed her path.21.Which of the following did Aunt Myrtle do to the author during her childhood and ...