Now, there are two elements to consider here when asking, “could this happen?” The first being whether a black hole could actually destroy the moon, and the second being whether a thermonuclear reactor could generate a black hole in the first place. In terms of the first question, McAule...
Did any countries try to stop the Holodomor? Has the Genocide Convention been effective? The Khmer Rouge in Cambodia was primarily a result of Does Turkey deny the Armenian Genocide? Was the Holocaust the first genocide? Could the Atlanta race riot of 1906 have been avoided? Were Cambodia an...
"Nobody, except the Holocaust survivors who experienced this, can feel what is coming. It's not only our duty, but the duty of humanity to make sure it doesn't happen to anybody." Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, told those assembled for...
Campaign group Labour Against Antisemitism uncovered a private Facebook group containing thousands of registered doctors with comments they say "frequently crossed the line into extremism, hate, Holocaust distortion and disinformation". The investigation, published by the Daily...
Or perhaps there is truth to Anglin’s massive conspiracy theory, in which Donald Trump is really the great White savior who is secretly working to thwart jewish control while bowing down to them publicly, and once he gets into office he is going to make America great (and White) a...
New data from the Office for National Statistics shows that inflation rose to 3% in January 2025, the highest level in 10 months. Many businesses had warned this would happen, saying that rising national insurance costs and the increase in the NLW would leave them with no choice...
How would you like a little help during the holidays? We're giving you a chance to win a $500 prepaid Target gift card that you can use to deck your halls, get some gifts, or just treat yourself to some much-needed self-care this season....
We're having kids in Israel. We're preparing the next generation -- one country, of the developed nations that have replacement fertility. That's the state of Israel. That's three generations of a Holocaust. Talk about miracles. Huh?
Yet another grandiose “bailout” maneuver was used to buy some time — but this has done little to address the gnawing unease in the public, particularly as the saber-rattling in the Middle East is again reaching a fever pitch. This, at least, is the mainstream media’s perspective on ...
The campaign tried to beat back the comparison that Tim Walz drew earlier in the day to the infamous 1939 Nazi rally at the same venue. They evenposted a photo of a Holocaustsurvivor in attendance. But there was a lot of racism on the stage, while outside the Garden...