Error - Could not save the file because the file is locked in Photoshop alisonj86137471 Community Beginner , /t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/error-could-not-save-the-file-because-the-file-is-locked-in-photoshop/td-p/9570391 Dec 29, 2017 Dec 29...
Sorry that you're getting an error that Photoshop 2020 could not save the file because of a disk error. Are you getting the error while saving a specific file to a specific location? Does the issue occurs with all the files? Also, which version of macOS ...
FL Studio ..FL STUDIO 20 无法保存工程啊 怎么破各位大佬们 。 FL Studio 20 Could not save to the file
暗黑2 问题..暗黑2 玩一会就出现 Could not create the extended save file怎么解决
"could not..大箱子里面的东西除了最后一次看的,别的全没了~~有谁碰到过这个情况吗save文件夹本身是只读的,但是这个“只读”没法去掉啊搞搞坏,1星期内出现过2次了~~~本来箱子里面1到31的符文全部有了,现在1个都没有了
Once you've found a family containing a corrupted sheet, go to the data table and export the data in TXT or CSV format, so you can import it later. Then delete that family or just one of its sheets. When you find and delete the corrupted sheet, the rest of your file should...
关于could not create the extended save files问题的疑惑及理解(一直都是全屏,不知道窗口会不会有)可能有人遇到过这个问题,退出时长时间没有反应,切出来发现一个小窗口,上述英文,确认后游戏全退,再次进入会发现私人箱子全丢,另外多了一页共享箱子里的物品。如果私人箱子有贵重物品,估计删游戏的心都有。因为以前一...
暗黑2 1.13c退..然后再进就会只保留大箱子最后打开的一页,大箱子是在贴吧下的10.0。看了帖子说改SAVE只读去掉,可是之前去掉之后今天又出错了……万能的暗黑吧快来拯救我吧……刷了好久的装备都没了……就留了一页药水……
The document could not be saved. The file may be read-only, or another user may have it open. Please save the document with a different name or in a different folder.问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 该文件无法保存。 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 无法保存这个文档。 该文件可能是...
Working from the internal hard drive on mye MAC (Currently Big Sur, but had this problem on earlier OS-es also). When I try to save file I get: "The file could not be created" If I try to save as a new file I get: "Save failed because you do not have perm...