i have a message saying "Could not save application settings: java.io.IOException: java.lang.AssertionError: Unexpected content storage modification" when running the apps. Anybody have an idea how to fix this? Answer: I ran into this issue as well. My system keeps having issues, it seems ...
After changing to Not Configured, go back to Server Manager, make a change to Deployment Properties licensing setting as you did before, and click OK to save. Please let me know your results, whether positive or negative. If the above was useful, please click Accept Answer. Thanks....
Describe the problem 设置界面修改后无法保存问题。 Unable to save preference. To reproduce 我是首次安装出现的这个问题。 Expected behavior 无法保存设置。 Arduino IDE version 2.0.0 Operating system Windows Operating system version win10 Additional context N
Im having a similar and very frustrating problem where my settings are not saved when i quit Photoshop CC 2018. To be specific, I am only changing the cursor setting to 'crosshairs in brush tip' and 'open new documents as tabs' in workspace. I have unhidden my User Library...
we couldnot save your tab settings. Hi All i am using M365 E5 license. I am unable to add the "Planner" app as a new tab in a channel. i am the owner of the teams. i am getting error we couldn't save your tab settings. please try agai...Show More admin office 365 p...
struts.multipart.saveDir 该属性指定上传文件的临时保存路径,该属性的默认值是javax.servlet.context.tempdir。struts.multipart.maxSize该属性指定Struts 2文件上传中整个请求内容允许的最大字节数。struts.custom.properties 该属性指定Struts 2应用加载用户自定义的属性文件,该自定义属性文件指定的属性...
Resetting preferences has worked over the last day or two - not 100% everytime but it seems to be the best way of getting around the issue. Obviously, its not ideal so could you take a look at my settings folder perhaps? How would I go about sending this over to you? Votes U...
the File..Save command. File... Save as works fine for its purpose of saving a file with a new name or to a new location. The misleading message occurs when you try to use File.. Save As to save back to the same location with the same name, but not when you simply save...
Learn how to fix, "Photoshop could not complete your request because of a program error" when opening or saving filesWhen opening or saving image files, you get one of the following errors: "Could not complete your request because of a program error." "Could not save as "yourfilename....
Choose "Settings/ Select Projects" Navigate to the project in the list. Deselect it to remove it. Save. Open Desktop Connector. Choose "Select Projects". Navigate to the project in the list. Select it to add again. Save. R...