save OFFICE document, the following description of this method,youcan notmanually save OFFICEretrievedocument data. 有时意外断电、意外重启等因素导致我们辛辛苦苦做的OFFICE文档没来得及保存,下面介绍的这个方法,可以找回尚未手动保存的OFFICE文档数据。
SSIS project error: could not retrieve the table information for the connection manager 'excel connection manager' SSIS proxy account fails "the user name or password is incorrect'" SSIS puzzle - creating tables dynamically on destination server SSIS rounding issue SSIS running through SQL Server age...
最开始只看到Could not retrieve transation read-only status server没看到下面的Communications link failure,以为是在代码中手动设置事务状态为只读或者事务回滚,后来查代码也没发现。 当看到Communications link failure意识到连接异常,但与当前方法连接同一个库的其他方法可以执行成功,所以数据库服务也是正常的。 最终发...
The requested URL could not be retrieved 您所请求的网址(URL)无法获取 While trying to retrieve the URL: 当你尝试读取以下网址(URL)时 The following error was encountered:发生了下列的错误:Access Denied.拒绝访问 Access control configuration prevents your r...
【问题描述】程序插入数据偶尔会报Could not retrieve transaction read-only status from server的错误,是怎么回事,驱动用的是5.1.47 Error updating database. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Could not retrieve transaction read-only status from server ### The error may exist in class path resource [mapper...
最开始只看到Could not retrieve transation read-only status server没看到下面的Communications link failure,以为是在代码中手动设置事务状态为只读或者事务回滚,后来查代码也没发现。 当看到Communications link failure意识到连接异常,但与当前方法连接同一个库的其他方法可以执行成功,所以数据库服务也是正常的。
基于上一步的代码和POM,flink1.8.0, scala 2.11.12 本地运行代码一直可以(pom中flink相关依赖的scope修改为compile) 打成jar包提交到本地local模式集群上运行一直报错,如下: 1 org.apache.flink.client.program.ProgramInvocationException: Could not retrieve the execution result ...
I'm trying to retrieve data from excel be connectiong through Analysis Services and I keep getting the following error message: Data could not be retrieved from the external data source. Error message returned by external data source: The "DATABASE NAME" cube either does not exist or has not...
I can connect the database to my Project and find the tables and rows under Server Explorer. Under DataSource I can only find the tables but not the rows and get the error message: Could not retrieve schema information for table or view. ...
java.sql.SQLException: Could not retrieve transaction read-only status from server,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。