当你在使用Git进行版本控制时遇到错误“fatal: could not read password for”时,这通常意味着Git在尝试访问远程仓库时无法读取到密码。这个错误可能由几个不同的原因引起,以下是一些可能的原因及其解决方案: 1. Git配置问题 可能原因:如果你的Git配置设置为使用HTTPS协议来访问远程仓库,并且需要密码认证,Git可能会在...
fatal: could not read Password for 'https://root@gitlab.test.cn': terminal prompts disabled 这个错误通常发生在Git操作需要验证用户身份时,但终端提示被禁用的情况下。终端提示被禁用可能是因为您正在使用一个非交互式的终端会话,或者由于其他原因导致无法接收终端输入。 解决 export GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=1...
When trying to git clone from msysgit using http, the following error is thrown: could not read Password for 'http://user@server:7990': No such file or directory Cause This is caused by a bug for this exact version of msysgit. Please refer to the discussion and links bel...
When trying togit clonefrom msysgit using http, the following error is thrown: could not read Password for 'http://user@server:7990': No such file or directory Cause This is caused by a bug for this exact version of msysgit. Please refer to the discussion and links below: ...
pushurl =https://github.com/gongyuhonglou/PlaylistVaporServer_Swift.git[branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master 解决: 在请求串中加入身份信息即可,格式为: https://[userName]:[password]@github.com/[username]/project.git ...
Describe the bug Since upgrading from 9.4.1 to 9.17.1, merges seem to be publishing, but the GitHub release is failing with: fatal: could not read Password for 'https://***@github.com': No such device or address – ericclemmons/codelift@f...
https://gitee.com/ruoshui/wzb.git git clone,克隆失败,提示: fatal: could notreadUsernamefor‘https://gitee.com‘: No such file or directory 需要将gitee账号的用户名密码带到clone地址中,如 https://username:password@gitee.com/ruoshui/wzb.git ...
Pushing to https://username@bitbucket.org/repo/path.git fatal: could not read Password for 'https://username@bitbucket.org': Device not configured This had never been an issue prior to the update, so I'm thinking the two are connected. I've tried re-loggin...
fatal:could not read Usernamefor'https://git.xxx.com':Device not configured 致命:无法读取的用户名'https://git.xxx.com“:未配置设备 解决方法 1、在你的私有库文件夹下面 vim .git/config 在这里插入图片描述 2、然后找到 [remote "origin"] 下面的url,把url链接改为https://username:password@git....
git命令中merge提交:fatal: could not read Username for 的解决方法,打开.git文件夹下面的config配置文件http