Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix> Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>] BUG描述: 在Ubuntu上安装Python时,出现如下报错,: Makefile:1092: recipe... 查看原文 linux_libnfc-nci 指令编译过程 dir> if you havelibrariesin a nonstandard directory <lib dir> ...
title=Patch+file+parse+error&body=%3CPlease+attach+the+patch+file+in+question%3E 最后通过删除 ui-ngx\patches目录下的geoman-io+leaflet-geoman-free+2.11.4.patch文件后就可以正常编译了 参考文章: 1、
Previously i used to run my c++ code with this sublime build. { "cmd" : ["g++-10 $file_name -o $file_base_name && gtimeout 4s ./$"], "selector" : "source.c", "shell": true, "working_dir" : "$file_path" } source :
Convert IPv4 netmasks to CIDR in IPv6-enabled mode + - Bug 2593: Compile errors on Solaris 10 + - Bug 2591: adaptation_access does not work + - Bug 2588: coredump in rDNS lookup + - Bug 2526: default ALLOW when no list specified. + - Bug 2287: Send a 505 on requests with ...
Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE) 使用cmake .. 有时候会遇到如下问题: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ cmake..--TheCXXcompiler identification isGNU11.2.0--DetectingCXXcompilerABIinfo--DetectingCXXcompilerABIinfo-done--CheckforworkingCXXcompiler:/usr/bin/c++-skipped--DetectingCXXcompile ...
I'm having difficulty installing vowpalwabbit for python use. I've tried installing both from source and with pip. OS: Ubuntu 20.04 Python: 3.6.8 ( g++: 9.3.0 cmake: 3.16.3 To build from source, I followed the installation guide for in t...
am: installing './depcomp' plugin/ warning: 'INCLUDES' is the old name for '...
# For build in directory: /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu # It was generated by CMake: /usr/bin/cmake # You can edit this file to change values found and used by cmake. # If you do not want to change any of the values, simply exit the editor. ...
(objc-load):/usr/local/lib64/GNUstep/SOGo/PreferencesUI.SOGo/PreferencesUI: undefined symbol: __objc_class_name_SOGoMailLabel So somehow ytnef is not getting bundled. I tried to add it to BUNDLE_LIBS "-lytnef" in SoObjects/Mailer/GNUmakefile.preamble but it didn't work....
--enable-static-build --disable-static-build --with-pqlib --without-pqlib Could not find PostgreSQL build environment (libraries & headers): Makefile not created To see why this extension failed to compile, please check the mkmf.log which can be found here: ...