选择Jjunjiang.h文件所在的目录即可, 点击OK,重新编译即可解决。 恭喜 我们又学会了一招,是不是很简单呀,一一消灭这些找不到头文件的报错,统统消灭~
could not open source file "tistdtypes.h" could not open source file "csl_bootcfgAux.h" 在调用头文件的地方使用右键的Open Declaration命令,是可以打开所调用的头文件的。 我将#includ<csl_bootcfgAux.h>修改为#include <C:\ti\pdk_C6678_1_1_2_6 \packages\ti\csl\csl_bootcfgAux.h> 将#includ...
Could not open source file. Please check that file exists with correct permissions drewd9949700 New Here , Mar 22, 2020 Copy link to clipboard Hi, I keep getting this when I try to create new encode presets. I ran disk utility and all seemed...
could not open source file "ti\csl\tistdtypes.h" 在ccsv5运行EMIF 例程时添加了在 include options 中添加了CSL 的路径如下 在properties->resource->linked resources中也添加了PDK_INSTALL_PATH这个变量,可是程序编译时出错如下: 这几个CSL 是在H文件中作为头文件存在的,比如#include<ti...
Fatal error: could not open source file This error occurs when the compiler cannot find the the source file. Please make sure the file indeed exists and is located in the path where the project file has a reference of. Thanks ki
使用IAR编译程序出现出现“Fatal Error[Pe005]: could not open source file“xxxx.h””错误,在网上找了很久,大部分说没有安装库,我看未必,我之前安装了IAR可以,后来重装了就不行了,摸索好久发现是这样子解决的:把Ignore standard in
error: could not open source file "ti/ndk/inc/netmain.h" Linking failed. Check the Console window for details. The include path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\ndk_2_20_03_24\packages" is already included and its shown in the Include t...
可能是你那个source file位置放的不对,系统在你指定的路径下找不到,你把那个.c文件挪到.pjt所在的文档(其它能正确编译的.c文件的所在处)
你需要在工程选项中设置C++ 编译器,在preprocessorl/additional include directories 里添加这个$PROJ_DIR$\ 如果头文件在工程文件夹里面的一个文件夹里你也要相应的修改