例如,可能是因为数据库服务器宕机、网络问题、用户权限不足等原因导致连接失败;又或者是OID查找失败,可能是因为记录不存在、OID输入不正确等原因。 解决方法 针对这个错误,我们可以采取以下几种解决方法: 检查数据库连接是否正常,可以尝试重新启动数据库服务或者检查网络连接是否稳定。 确认OID输入是否正确,确保OID是指向...
在执行pg_table_size查询表大小时,出现报错“could not open relation with OID xxxx.”。 原因分析 通过执行pg_table_size这个查询接口,对于不存在的表会返回NULL或者报错。 处理方法 通过Function的exception方式屏蔽该报错,将大小统一到一个值,对于不存在的表,可以用大小为-1来表示,函数如下: CREATE OR REPLACE...
集群状态异常: 登录报错: ERROR: could not open relation with 0ID 9050 enmo_limengjie创建了缺陷11个月前 opengauss_bot成员11个月前 Hey@enmo-maleah, Welcome to openGauss Community. All of the projects in openGauss Community are maintained by@opengauss_bot. That means the developers can comment b...
"schemaname.tablename" as its parameter "pg_relation_size(text)" and not the function which accepts oid as its parameter "pg_relation_size(oid)". The error "could not open relation with OID" should only be raised when "pg_relation_size(oid)" is used, but why this error is raised he...
could not open relation with OID XXX:regclass::oid I've found two ways to avoid the error: 1. Perform the DROP TABLE outside the transaction triggering its creation 2. Avoiding population of the table being dropped (the AddEdge call) Note that the 'edge_data' table has a foreign key ...
一天下午某个greenplum集群发生了某个数据节点报“could not open relation 1663/16384/32749972: 无此文件或目录”,然后这个节点就再也无法启动了,然后导致了整个集群无法启动。虽然可以通过从备节点拷贝整个数据库恢复了这个节点上,来恢复此数据库,但由于数据库的数据大小有500G-600G,数据量比较大,所以恢复时间比较长...
一天下午某个greenplum集群发生了某个数据节点报“could not open relation 1663/16384/32749972: 无此文件或目录”,然后这个节点就再也无法启动了,然后导致了整个集群无法启动。虽然可以通过从备节点拷贝整个数据库恢复了这个节点上,来恢复此数据库,但由于数据库的数据大小有500G-600G,数据量比较大,所以恢复时间比较长...
程序删除不了,老是提示 Could not open INSTALL.LOG file 请问是什么回事!谢谢? 共2条回答 > 🐝: 程序删除不了,老是提示couldnotopeninstall.logfile是设置错误造成的,解决方法为;1、通过Windows的“搜索”功能,或者用“360软件管家”找到安装目录。2、打开后可以看到当初安装的流程。3、这个软件是有“数据目录...
This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required. Additionally, a 401 Unauthorized error was encountered while trying to...
I have created a pipeline with data flow activity inside. The activity is used to flatten json file with complex hierarchical structure. It was working fine for a month and then suddenly the code got invalid. The error message is "Could not load resource. Please ensure no mistakes in...